Chapter 8

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Drew stared at himself in the mirror. His sandy hair just falling above his eyes, black skinny jeans and a iron maiden t-shirt he had stolen from Shane with a old hoodie over the top.

He had agreed to let Shane pick him up for this stupid date but he only had five minutes before that happened, and Drew was still worried of how he looked.

Drew was nervous. Very nervous. He had never thought that something such as this would actually happen and now that it was it felt almost dream like. So maybe Drew's crush on Shane wasn't as small as he thought now that Keveridge's relationship had started. There was a glimmer of hope in him that he could have something like that.

When he heard a knock on the door he immediately pulled on some battered trainers and jogged down the stairs to open the door.

Outside stood a nervously shifting Shane who smiled warmly when he saw Drew, "Hey."

"Hi." Drew replied while looking Shane over. Shane was wearing similar clothing to Drew but instead of a hoodie he had a grey waistcoat over his t-shirt, it looked really good on him. Drew found himself blushing and instead focused on the bag in his hand instead, "What's in the bag, Shaney?"

"Our date." He stated simply.

Drew was just confused. " What?"

Shane's face flushed and he seemed a bit embarrassed, "We've done so much together it was difficult for me to think of what we could do for a date. But I came up with an idea eventually."

Drew smiled at his awkwardness and the fact had tried to think of something unique to do. "So what are we doing?"

Shane's grin grew larger and Drew was trying not to think about how adorable it was. "You'll have to wait and see, Wooly."

He then gripped Drew's hand and lead the way, Drew enjoying the feeling of his Timid's palm against his own.

Their walk wasn't long as Shane was leading them into the park. "It's night time, what are we doing at the park?"

Shane nervously glanced down, "This is where we're having our first date." He replied while directing them towards a old steel climbing frames which had definately seen better days, but Drew recognised it from somewhere.

And then the realisation hit him; this was the place the Timids had first met as children when Drew had felt draw to the skinny kid who sat drawing with a box of crayons. The fact that Shane had remembered this place from their childhood made his heart flutter in a weird way.

"Unfortunately", Shane spoke quietly, "We're a bit big to sit on the climbing frame but I did bring some blankets and a food so we could have a picnic at the bottom."

Drew jumped up, wrapping his arms around Shane's neck, in a massive wooly hug, "This is amazing, Shane. You're amazing."

Drew pulled away and looked up at his Timid, wanting to lean in, but he cleared his throat then moved back a step. "How about some food? I packed brownies." Shane suggested, making a large grin spread on his lips.


Drew had eaten more brownies than  the others would ever let him but he was weirdly peaceful as he lay by Shane's side. Now they watched the stars while just chatting about normal stuff. But Shane was growing oldly quiet which worried Drew. "What's wrong, Shane?" Drew asked.

"Is it okay if I ask you a private question, Wooly?" Shane's voice was quiet and a little shakey. Drew nodded in reply so Shane carried on, "I'm unsure, as I don't know whether you just came because of Keveridge or not, but is there a preference you tend to have when it comes to dating?"

Drew blushed lightly at the question but responded anyway. "As you know, Shaney, I'm not really the dating type so I don't know. How about you?" Drew was very curious to the answer the question.

Shane turned his head, sandy hair falling in his eyes, as he tried to look at Drew properly. "I'm pretty sure I am gay but, once again, I've never had a relationship to test the theory."

Hearing those words leave Shane's mouth bestowed upon him a new found confidence, "I want to trying something a bit different, is that okay?" Shane' s reply was a faint nod as he seemed to be watching Drew's facial expressions carefully.

Drew swallowed the lump in his throat before moving forward closer to press his lips to the velvety smoothness of Shane's.

Drew felt as if his senses were heightened but were focused on Shane at the same time. His skin tingled at every brush, their lips moved perfectly in sync and Drew tried not to moan into the kiss as he felt Shane's fingers sliding through the strands of Drew's hair.

When they finally pulled back, their breathes mingled together as they panted when trying to catch their breaths. A almost childish and joyful smile was shared between the two.

Drew had been curious about kissing Shane for years and now that it happened he couldn't stop the feelings of butterflies in his stomach. Drew ignored the feeling and cheekily moved to straddle Shane, small hands on his Timid's chest. "I think you'll have to come up with activities like this more often." Drew smirked but his shyness was still there.

Shane slid his hand from Drew's hair to the smaller boy's cheek. "Sounds good to me, Woolsifer." With a caring smile teasing his lips, Shane guided Drew down for another kiss.

Author's Note:
I'm so tired but at least I wrote some Timids for you

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