Chapter 2

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"The party has arrived!" Drew shouted as he entered the Kemp household with Shane quietly following him in and shutting the door.

Making a beeline to the kitchen, Drew continued to yell,"Hey, Keveridge! Where are the brownies?!"

Laurence entered the room sighing but had a smile on his face, "No brownies today, Wooly. Shane called ahead to even make sure there weren't any."

Drew turned to his Timid with a look of shock, "How could you?" Then leapt upon him, clinging to Shane's back. "You owe me brownies, brownie preventor."

Shane laughed and carried the smaller man to the living room, "If you say so, Woolsifer."

They then sat together on the sofa, Drew curled up into Shane's side, soon to have the rest of the two-seater taken by Laurence. "Where's Luke and Kier?" Drew asked.

Laurence picked up the tv remote and started flicking through the channels. "We kind of drunk all the alcohol in the house last time we all hung out, including Kier's parent's stash, so they've gone to source more."

"They're not even 17 yet, how do they expect to get alcohol?" Shane wondered while running his fingers through Drew's hair.

Laurence shrugged and switched off the tv, clearly deciding there was nothing worth watching. "You know what Kier's like. He probably thinks he looks older than he actually is."

As if on cue, a happy looking Kier skipped into the room, followed by Luke carrying various boxes. "Mission complete." He announced before sitting on Laurence's lap and ruffling the boy's black hair til it stood on end.

Laurence glanced at the boxes in which Luke placed on the coffee table, eyes widening, "How the hell did you manage to get beer, Kempy?"

A smirk teased the red fringed boy's lips as he leant in close to Laurence, "Never underestimate me, my dear Beveridge."Drew giggled as he swore that he saw a blush on Laurence's cheeks. Kier ended up blushing himself and opened his mouth to say something but was interupted by Luke.

"Don't suppose we could get on with drinking this beer now, could we?"


Drew was laying across Shane and Luke on the sofa while Laurence had dragged Kier to dance in the middle of the room to Hannah Motana. They all had a buzz from the beer but were all acting normally.

That was until Drew noticed Shane staring wide eyed eyed at something so he followed his Timid's gaze to Laurence and Kier. The pair were no longer dancing but were instead now shoving their tongues down the other's throats.

Immediately, Drew shot up and shouted, "Oh my god! Keveridge is real!"

The two shot apart in surprise of him yelling and Kier tried his best to form words, "W-we were g-gonna tell you but I guess we got a little distracted."

Leaping across the coffee table, Drew engulfed the couple in a wooly hug, "That's so cool! I knew Keveridge was real! I just knew it! I told Shaney and he didn't believe me and now he owes me cookies and-"

"Drew!" The others yelled in unison, inturrupting his rambling.

Luke laughed and ruffled Drew's hair, "Calm down, wooly. You're acting crazy."

Drew hugged Shane, cuddling into his side while giving his best innocent grin to Luke, "Me, crazy? I'm just wooly."

If I keep running with my eyes closed (Timids +Keveridge fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now