Chapter 7

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Tonight was the Timids date night but Kier had plans too. Kier was busy running around his house, nervously waiting for the arrival of his boyfriend. They had decided to have a date inside Kier's house were they could just watch a movie, eat junk and cuddle. Okay, maybe not just cuddling but he wasn't going to push his luck.

He heard the front door open and close, automatically knowing it was Laurence as his parents had gone to visit his Grandparents.

"Hey, Kier-" Laurence began as he entered the living room, only to be pounced on by Kier.

"Hey Beveridge!" He said, stretching out the 'Hey' with a massive grin on his face.

"Someone's happy." Laurence smiled as he turned to face Kier properly, "Why is that?"

"You, of course." Kier then leant up on his toes and gave Laurence a soft kiss on the lips which soon grew deeper.

Gripping the front of the older boy's t-shirt, Kier guided them to the sofa which he then gently pushed Laurence down on before settling on his lap.

Slowly, he parted the kiss with a few small ones then looked at Laurence's flushed face happily, "So what would my gorgeous boyfriend like to do first?"

"How about we find something to eat as I haven't had anything yet then maybe some more of this?" Laurence then leant forward and sealed Kier's lips with his own.

"Mmm...Sounds good to me, Laur." He got up off his lap then took his hand and dragged him towards the kitchen, "What would you like?"

Laurence just shrugged, "I don't really mind so it's up to you."

Kier glanced around for a moment before deciding on a large bag of Doritos and a pot of salsa. Perfect sharing food. Kier may or may not of planned that though.

Ten minutes later they were curled up together on the sofa with the food between them while watching lion king.

And once the movie was over they didn't even realise it. The pair were too busy singing some songs they had written together, mainly before their relationship began. Kier absolutely loved the sound of Laurence's voice so when Laurence stopped being awkward about his talent, Kier would more than happily grab the guitar to back him up.

As Laurence sang the last line of a song they had written, called Fetish for the Finite, Kier found himself watching rather than playing. Unfortunately, Laurence noticed this and began to worry, "Did I mess it up? I did, didn't I? I really shouldn't be singing-"

Kier had to cut him off there. After removing the guitar, he leant to cup Laurence's face and kiss him to take the words before he finished his sentence.

"You're amazing ." Kier stated. "If we were to have a band you would definately be the front man."

Laurence sighed , "If you say so..."

"Anyway, how about we do something else now?" Kier asked, trying to raise the mood.

"What do you suggest?" The ebony haired boy replied.

"I've got some ideas " He gripped his boyfriend's hand and pulled him towards the stairs. Laurence may of been doubtful about himself but Kier was determind to show him just how special his was.

Author's Note
Yes, I know, this is a keveridge Chapter but the next is finally going to be the timid date as a sort of meanwhile to this

If I keep running with my eyes closed (Timids +Keveridge fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now