Chapter 16

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They had agreed that, to cut down the walk for Shane, that he would just sleep over at Drew's house like when they were kids. So now they wandered down the darkening street, Drew watching his boyfriend as he text his parents. "What did your mum say?" Drew asked.

Shane put his phone in his pocket with a smile, "She said it's fine."

"Awesome!" Drew grinned and grabbed Shane's hand, still carrying his bass in the other.

They swung their hands between them as they walked together, only seperating briefly so that Drew could fish out his keys and unlock the front door.

Drew leading the way, they entered the Woolnough home, dumping their instruments in the hall after shutting the door.

Drew then ended up practically dragging his Timid through the house. First to the kitchen were he got the taller boy to reach the giant double chocolate cookies his mum hid up there. Then to his bed room so they could change, Drew personally wearing Marvel pyjamas and Shane wearing simple ones he kept there for when sleeping over. Lastly, dragging his Timid into the living room and onto the sofa for cuddle time.

"So, what movie are we going to watch?" Shane asked.

Drew thought for a minute, tapping his finger, before randomly leaping over to the tv. "Spiderman!" He yelled like a little kid, grinning widely.

After setting up the tv and putting on the DVD, the small Timid found his way curled up against his boyfriend. Even though they've watched Spiderman probably hundreds of times by now, he knew Shane didn't mind.

Shane handed Drew the bag of cookies, loving the way his Timid was so childish when it came to sweets. "You have a massive sweet tooth, you know. I'm starting to think you like them more than me." Shane chuckled.

Drew giggled and shook his head, "You're the sweetest sweet of all, Shanus." He leant up and kissed Shane lightly and slowly.

The kiss deepened as it continued. Drew loved the feeling of Shane's lips against his own so he pressed their lips together more, smiling into the kiss the whole time. Shane's hand slid up and cupped Drew's face lightly.

After another minute Shane pulled back from Drew, a warm smile on his face, "You're going to miss most of Spiderman if we continue. So eat your cookies and watch your movie, Wooly."

Nodding in agreement, Drew grabbed his cookie bag and curled up on Shane's lap. Drew smiled to himself, he wanted everyday to be like this.

Long after the movie, even though it wasn't that later, the Timids were curled up on the sofa in the dark living room and Drew watched as his Timid slept quietly.

Drew couldn't sleep just yet, he couldn't stop thinking about the fact that Laurence, one of his best friends since kids, was actually physically hurt because of the asshole Zac.

The thing that was bothering Drew the most was that he and his Timid used to be tormented the most but it seemed Zac had decided to move targets to poor Laurence. Drew feared that Kier's actions would recoil on him but effect Laur. Despite his height, Laurence would never hurt a fly, which meant that he wouldn't defend himself.

Drew carefully leant over Shane to the table and grabbed his phone, starting a text to Kier.

Wooly: Hey, Kier. Got time to text?

KierKamp: Sure, whats up? :)

Wooly: Is Laurence awake with you?

KierKamp: nah, he's asleep. Why?

Wooly: im worried about him :(

KierKamp: is this about today? Cause i punched Zac to get him to stay away.

Wooly: i know but what if he doesnt stop? What if he takes his friends with him? You cant fight them all Kier and we know laur is too kind to fight

KierKamp: Then what do i do 'cause i have no clue

Wooly: i dont know and that's what scares me

KierKamp: someone is just going to have to always be there with him.

Wooly: that's probably the best chance we have

KierKamp: laur's waking up, so I'll see you tomorrow for operation "protect my boyfriend"

Sighing, Drew put his phone back on the table and curled back up to Shane. He just hoped everything would be alright.

Author's Note:
Yeah, I know this is day later than I said, please don't kill me. So this is the longer Timid chapter. I know its been two keveridge and two timids for last four chapters but i shall be going back to the original chapter layout of keveridge, Timid, keveridge, Timid etc

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2015 ⏰

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