The Hunt Begins

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Grey, 161 y/o

1950 - Klamath Falls, Oregon.

I waited for James to get ready in the living room and I sat down on the sofa. I was thinking about maybe after saving Rose's life I would take James somewhere else where no one could find us ever again. I wanted to keep him safe from danger, especially from Mary. Now that I've learnt that Mary almost killed Rose I felt uneasy about my surrounding. I felt like someone is constantly watching over me. I felt like someone is shadowing our house. Watching us like a starving wolf.

"Come on, let's go." James walked towards me and tried to grab a stake with verbena.

"Um, what are you doing?" I frowned.

He picked up the wooden stake and put it in front of his face, "Precautions." He observed at it carefully and turning it around to take a better look at the stake.

"Give it to me." I snatched the stake from his hands and shoved it in my clothes.

He shrugged, "Fine." He picked up a little glass bottle full of verbena and put it in his pocket.

We walked outside and I locked the doors. We looked around the road and no one is there. It was dead silent and yes I know, it's in the middle of the night. Shocker, who's awake at that time anyways. We began walking towards Kiev's house and James looked uneasy.

"What if he lied?" He asked.

"You think he lied about his only sister that is dying?"

He kept quiet and we continued walking. As we walked, I felt the chills on my shoulder and I stopped. James was startled, "Can you please not do that again?"

"Listen..." I put my finger in front of my mouth and told him to be quiet. I heard someone behind us and it sounds dangerously close.

I stood still and so does James, we didn't even dare to move a single muscle. We even hold our breathing from a little while, and then I decided to turn around.

"Can you two speed it up a little bit?"

I gasped, "Oh Jesus Christ Kiev! Don't fucking do that."

Kiev, the master of stalking. Why didn't he just talk to us like a normal... Oh yeah, he's a vampire.

James shook his head and kept on walking.

"Come on, faster." Kiev walked in front of us and tried to make us pace even quicker.

"Go. We'll see you at your house anyway." I frowned and starting to get very annoyed.

Kiev nodded and vanished.

We walked faster and finally we're outside Kiev's house.

The red bricks and the eerie ambiance outside his house were just terrifying. But with confidence James just walked to the front door and knocked.

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