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Grey, 20 y/o

1888 - Klamath Falls, Oregon.

The day that I was waiting finally has arrived! I'm going to have my own family, a pack that I could come home to!

"This is the day, don't mess this up Grey." I smiled ever so brightly and continue to pack all of my stuff up and start getting all dressed up. I diligently and quickly closed all of my boxes up and starts to seal them one by one. I have spent almost the entirety of my life in the orphanage, seeing every single person comes and goes. I barely knew every single one of them, I'm an introvert, well that was what everyone calls me. "There, done and dusted. Know I just need to get ready and ..." Suddenly my door swung open and someone screamed "FIRE!! RUN!!"

My eyes widened and left all of my belongings inside my room and ran as fast as I could towards the exit but it was locked. Something might have blocked it from outside, I tried to push it and rattle every single thing on that door and it won't budge. I decided to run across the hall way and tried to jump out from the window but it was on flames. It is way too hot to come across, Everyone was already outside the building and I could hear them screaming my name on top of their lungs. I cried in fear and wondered why am I the one that has to get stuck in this blaze? Why does it has to be today? The day that finally I'm able to be with my own family?

I tried to find another exit and starts to panic, the fire started to consume the front door so I changed my mind instantly and sprinted towards the backdoor. Of course it was locked and I don't have the keys. I started banging on the door and screamed for help but Everyone just left and all I heard was just blaze and fire crackling and consuming the whole building. "I need to get out." I picked myself up and start to look around for an exit. I saw an opening from the staff door which has a window opened somehow and I just went for it. I ran through the blaze despite the pain from the fire that caught my arm, my leg, tip of my fingers and even burnt my hair. I need to get out from this hell hole.

Something tripped me and the window was shut, the fire blocked it and something or maybe someone was standing in front of me. "Wait, no..." and all of the sudden I was knocked out. I felt fire started to consume me, all the pain and heat doesn't bother me anymore. I felt like the fire didn't do any damage to me at all and somehow I felt warm and all fine.

Then it was dark.


"Hey sweetheart, how you feeling?"

A lady with a very soothing and gentle voice was sitting next to me on a bed. She stroke my head and checked upon my scars and bruises. "You were stuck in the orphanage so I decided to went straight in and try to save your life sweetie, no one was willing to save your life at that point and that saddened me." She looked horrified and settled at the same time, I wonder where the hell am I? Who is this lady that saved my life? "Who are you? I'm sorry if I'm being rude." I tried to be very polite to this lady. She looked relieved, "I'm Mary, Mary Finn Silvius. And don't worry you're not being rude at all sweetheart." She smiled and stood up, she strutted towards a wooden dresser and picked up a mug of warm milk and gave it to me. "Drink up sweetie. Hope this is enough for you." I smiled and drinks the glass of warm milk.

"I'm Grey, it is very nice to meet you and thank you for..." She hushed me with a finger to her mouth and giggled a bit. "Don't worry dear, I'm glad I went inside to help you out. Rest now darling, if your body's strong enough you can join us for dinner downstairs." I nodded and rest my head on the soft pillow and stare on the ceiling.

"What the hell happened to me? Where the hell am I?" I started to ponder and try to solve every single questions I asked to myself but my head hurts too much that I gave up almost immediately

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"What the hell happened to me? Where the hell am I?" I started to ponder and try to solve every single questions I asked to myself but my head hurts too much that I gave up almost immediately. I looked at a small clock placed on a dresser, a wooden clock. "17:25, why is it so late?" I sit myself up on the edge of the bed and observe around the room. Try to take in everything, Where am I? I tried to stood up and the wooden floor boards creaks slowly. I walked around the room and looked out the window, It is dark outside and I bet it's very cold. Klamath Falls is a very cold area and of course no one comes here when it's winter time.

The bedroom itself is actually very cozy and warm and also inviting. The white bedsheets are very comfortable and the cute pillows with red plaids made it even better. Two sage armchairs, a wooden dresser and two wooden bedside tables with lamps on it. "Hmm, sure is very comfy but still, where am I? Who's house is this?"

I walked outside the door and towards the stairs to go join Mary downstairs. I wonder who are the others, do they know I'm here? Are they okay with me being here? Is she married? "Grey hold yourself together and don't be rude." I gave myself a little slap on the cheeks and started to go down the stairs. I peeked through the halls trying to figure out where is the dining room and I found it. "Glad you found us." Mary walked behind me while carrying a tray full of delicious foods she made earlier. Bet she is a very good cook, a very good one. There's pork brisket, beans and bread.

"Hi." I said calmly and just for you to know, I'm indeed a very shy person. "Hello darling, come have a seat. Join us for dinner, I know you are famished." A gentleman spoke up. He looks very gentle and menacing at the same time, his dark brown hair and dark beard sums it all up together. I took a seat on an empty chair and he began to introduce everyone including himself. "I'm Joseph, this is James and that is Ruby. I bet you've known Mary right?" He chuckled a bit and Mary took an empty sit next to him. "Yes, I've introduced myself to her my love." I smiled and glanced over to James and Ruby. "I'm Grey and thank you for saving my live, and moreover inviting me for dinner."

James and Ruby sat still and just put out a small smile on their faces. "You are very welcome Grey, you can stay here as long as you want. We don't really mind to have another member in the pack." He laughed and Mary follows along. I smiled and said my thanks and then we began to eat our dinner. I ate in silence while observing Joseph and Mary, they looked all so cheerful and in love with each other. Meanwhile James and Ruby was just busy with their food and didn't even bother to look at me again. After a while, we finished our dinner and James just bolted out of the dining room and went straight to his room. Ruby said that she wanted to know more about me so we decided to hang out a little bit and we warmed up pretty quickly towards each other. I told everything to her, I told her about my life in the orphanage, I told her about Benjamin Andrews and of course she said that he is rather dreamy. I told her about the bullies and she told me that she will help me get my revenge on her and I laughed at it. I mean come on, I'm not that kind of person that holds a grudge towards some bullies. They're just kids that didn't know what they were doing.

We laughed and throw in bit of jokes as well. "You need to get some rest and heal up your scars, what happened to it anyways?" I looked at a scar on my arms and legs. "From the blaze I guess." She squinted her eyes and looked closer, "No I meant these ones." I looked down and saw dried scar on my chest. Three big and deep scratches, I didn't even know it was there. "Hmm these ones I didn't even know it was there. Maybe when I passed out." Ruby nodded and told me to get some rest.

It was a whirlwind kind of day. I didn't even know how I ended up at the Silvius household and I didn't even know, who or how I passed out in the staff room while trying to find an exit. I found myself thinking again in the bedroom that Mary gave to me.

"At least I got a roof on my head to go to sleep tonight. Maybe even a little family of my own."

I guess this is my home?

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