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Grey, 162 y/o

1951 - Klamath Falls, Oregon.

I opened up my eyes and looked at the clock. It's 7 sharp in the morning and I'm going to be late to go to work! I quickly get off the bed and get dressed as fast as I could and rushed outside my room. I called James and told him that I'm off to work. I walked towards the living room and stopped. I looked at my sofa and found Ky was still sleeping so soundly there. I took a really good look at him and hoping I didn't wake him up. I really don't have the time to have a stupid conversation with him.

I carefully walked across the room towards my front door. I opened it up slowly and I ran towards the diner. On the way to the diner, I saw a lady on the road eyeing me. I wasn't really paying attention to her but yes I saw her in the distance. I ran as fast as possible so that I wouldn't be late.

"Grey!" Grace waved her hand at me and she smiled.

I returned her smile and walk towards her. "Hey..."

"Did you run all the way here? Looks like you've seen a ghost." She laughed at me.

I was gasping for air and stretched my back a little.

"You're too old for this aren't you?" Amanda smirked and joked around.

"I just haven't got any breakfast yet so... yeah." I smiled and laughed it off.

I went towards the staff room and told Grey that I would go change for a little while and joined her when I'm done. I opened up the staff door and looked for my stuff. "Where's my notepad?" I started to scramble through the box that got writing 'stuff' on it and tried to find my things. "There you are." I found the notepad and quickly went back outside to join Grace.

Today was a very normal day for me. There's nothing weird happened today and there certainly nothing that would jump scare me like the other days. I was feeling quite relaxed today and felt carefree until time strikes 21:30 and it's closing time. I looked outside the window and it was ultra dark. I squinted my eyes and saw a glimpse of a shadow. A woman was standing outside across the street staring back at me. I tried to watch and tried to figure out whether that was just a bush or it is a woman.

"Grey, you coming?" Grace asked and she smiled.

"Um... what?" I stuttered and turned around to look at her.

"Me and Amanda are going to this new pub in town. I was hoping you would want to come?" Grace asked me and hoping would join her.

"Come on Grey, you need some time off." Amanda implied.

I looked at them and smiled, "Fine, I'll go. Just for a minute."

They laughed and smiled at me. The three of us walked outside the diner and began walking towards the new pub. I laughed and having a blast with my friends but suddenly I felt uneasy and I also felt like someone was stalking us. I stopped and then Amanda followed as well, leaving Grace confused.

"Guys? What's wrong?" Grace asked and she was a bit afraid.

I turned around and observed all around us, trying to find someone or something that was trailing us. Suddenly I saw a woman appeared from a bush and walked towards the road heading to our direction. I felt uneasy but I need to protect my friends.

"Stop. Who are you?" Amanda asked the woman from afar.

The woman kept walking straight to our direction but I still can't see her figure. It was still a blur and it is way too dark to see her.

I told Amanda and Grace to stay behind me but Amanda out of nowhere stood alongside me. I looked at her in confusion but my thoughts right now is focused on the woman.

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