Curse of the Devil's Child

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Grey, 22 y/o

1890 - Klamath Falls, Oregon.

Few weeks has gone past after that tragedy. I'm still locked inside the dark room that feels like a dungeon. I haven't fed on anything for weeks and I felt helpless. I can barely move my limbs and I have no strength to even sit right up. I'm curling myself like a ball on the ground to warm myself up from the cold and harsh temperature. I tried to calm myself down but I can't. I just lost my sister, I haven't seen James for weeks and I'm dying. My tears started to stream down on my face and I felt vulnerable.

"Wake up wolf!"

I tried to open up my eyes and everything was such a blur. I saw a man standing up in front of me and hoping its James. But I was wrong.


He smirked, "Yes child, now sit up." He held out his hand to help me sit up straight. My body was very frail that I am unable to do any harm to him. I was aggravated and fuming, I wanted to kill him but I don't even have the strength to hold my body up.

"You made it. The transformation is complete, my experiment worked." He smiled bigheadedly. He hold up my chin with his finger and abruptly left.

I'm an experiment? I looked at him with pure anger.

"Child, don't you get it by now? About what you are, about who we all are and about everything that happened few years back?"

"You killed Ruby, that's all I got by far." I said in an angry tone but he just laughed at me.

"Oh wolf, Ruby is an abomination just the same with James. They're the heretic sibling, they deserve to die."

He paced around the room, "But you on the other hand, is special." He stopped and turned around to face me, "You my child is an original werewolf and now a hybrid sired to... me." He pointed a finger to himself and his smile perked up.

I frowned, "I don't give a damn about any of those things."

"I know, I know. But don't worry. Our little experiment isn't done yet. Be prepared for what comes next my sweetheart." He walked away from me and then stopped.

"Where is James?"

"Doesn't matter Grey, all I care about is your wellbeing my dear sweet symphony of hope. Now rest, I'll see you again tomorrow."

He vanished into thin air. I started to think what could I do to save James and myself. I started to ponder and I have to find an exit as quickly as I can. I tried to gain my strength and tried to stand up. It was difficult but at least I stood up, I tried to walk across the room and find any source of light to find an exit. I'm starving and I need to feed on something before I pass out again. I dragged myself towards every corner of that room and I have no luck on finding anything at all.

"Grey! Are you in here?"

I gasped and looked around the room, "James?" I tried to listen again.

"Grey! I'm right here, can you hear me?"

I walked towards the source of the voice, "James! You have to run before they kill you."

"I'm getting you out from there."

I heard hammering sounds on the other side and there is a tiny hole that is bright and I saw James.

"James stop, back up!" I screamed and he immediately stepped backwards.

I rammed into the wall with all my strength that is left in me, all of the bricks and rocks that were blocking James and me fell to the ground.

"Run." I looked at James and grabbed his hand and we took off running away. James tried to match up with my speed but he is slower than me. "Come on James!" Then suddenly I heard a loud bang and both of us stopped. I didn't even try to look back because I know who's behind us.

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