Open Book

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Grey, 22 y/o

1890 - Klamath Falls, Oregon.

7390 South 6th Street
Klamath Falls, OR 97603

Klamath Community College, Oregon.

This is it, my first semester in college. Together with Ruby and James, we walked inside the giant building and tried to find our classes. We walked in all excited and try to take in all of the surroundings. I can't believe this, I got myself a family and now I'm actually going to college. I really am living the life!

"Ruby, I can't believe this. Am I dreaming?"

"Oh G, come on. You deserve this!" Ruby chuckled as we trailed along the halls.

The corridor is full of eager students. They were scrambling through every corner trying to find their classes. I saw lockers and big classrooms. I strutted along the long and big corridor also trying to find my classroom. Why on earth is the first class has to Math? Can't we do it later in the middle of the day or something? James peeked on my timetable and put out a little smile.

"Math huh?"

I looked to him, "Yeah, I don't really like numbers. I'm no good at them."

"We're in the same class." He looked away and continued walking.

"Oh really? That's great then."

"Hmm, don't worry I'll teach you." He smiled.

For the first time ever I felt warm. Finally James is actually warming up to me and not that cold anymore. I mean, he still hates me and try to mock me every single time at dinner but I can deal with that. As long as he is adjusting to the fact that I am staying with the Silvius. And by the way, my name is Grey Finn Silvius now. It's official that I'm adopted. Joseph did the certificates and signed the paperwork.

"No fair, I wanted to be in the same class with you guys too!" Ruby pouted and we laughed at her.

"We can hang out again on breaks Ruby, don't worry about anything at all." I smiled and went to my class.

James and I walked together and then we met Kiev. He was just standing in front of one of the lockers and turned around. His intoxicating smile is shown in his face but James has no interest at all. James grabbed my hand and took me away to class. I tried to say hi to Kiev but he just laughed at me. "See you in class Grey." I nodded and smiled back at him. "Why did you do that?" James sighed and he looked at me. "I never hated him but we need to be careful around the Phillips. We never know who's looking at us." I tipped my head to the side, "What is it with Silvius and the Phillips? What's the fight about anyways?" James widened his eyes and came closer to me. His face shows concern and bit of anger. "You'll figure it out by time, for now please don't get too close with the Phillips." I waved my hands up in front of my face and said okay.

I went inside the classroom and sat next to James. Kiev walked in and apparently he is in the same class with us, like he said earlier. He sat in front of me and turned his head to look at me and smiled. "Can you sit somewhere else Kiev? You know this is bad." James whispered and James just giggled, "Oh don't worry, I won't talk to you guys. I'm just checking on how Grey's doing." He winked at me and turned back to look at the front of the class. This is going to be a very long class.



Bell rang and it's time for break. I cleaned up my desk and James stood up first, "I'll go to the bathroom and head downstairs to the dining hall, I'll see you there okay." I nodded and continued on cleaning up. Meanwhile Kiev just sat there watching me, "Need a hand princess?" He smiled.

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