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Grey, 162 y/o

1951 – Aspen Lake, Oregon.

What if all of this was just a lie? What if all of this was just a trap that was set to capture me? What if everyone was just pretending to help me?

I opened up my eyes slowly and saw small water waves from the lake. I heard birds chirping above in the sky and the rustle of the leaves being blown by the breeze. I smelled the cold air and I tried to sit up. I felt there's someone holding me and helped me to sit up straight. I turned my head and saw Ky sitting right next to me.

"What if all this was just a game?" He asked and looked at me. His face was so soft and calm.

I looked at him in confusion, "Just a game?"

He looked away, "I'm afraid."

"Of what?"

"Of losing." He looked at the lake and stared at it. "I don't want to lose." He kept looking at the lake and then he looked up towards the sun. He stood up and walked towards Kiev. I followed him and became worried about Kiev. The sun would kill him if he opens up the blanket. I tried to think of what am I suppose to do to help him but then Ky showed up him palm on Kiev's ring and then it glows bright blue.

"There, now he's fine." Ky looked at me and he smiled.

I frowned, "What did you do?" I crossed my arms and kept on observing Kiev's ring.

"Uh... just some help from an old friend." He smirked and walked away from Kiev. "I felt like I might lose someone I adore so much." He stood in front of me then he lift his hand to touch my face but he hesitated. He kept looking at my face then walked away towards the lake. He sat on the ground and played with the pebbles and threw some into the water.

I followed him and sat next to him. We kept quiet for a minute and then I spoke.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

He just smiled and kept looking at the water.

"Why are you acting so different today?"

"Go ask the waters, they are the best at knowing people's secrets." He smirked and kept throwing pebbles into the lake.

I sighed and looked at the sky. It was a very clear day and the sun was shining ever so brightly. I closed my eyes and tried to clear my mind. I need to find Lilith and draw Mary out. I don't know how but I was hoping this idea would work.

"God, you're beautiful."

I opened up my eyes and saw Ky was staring at me. "What?" I looked at him in all sorts of confusion.

He smiled, "I wish I could keep your heart with me all the time and put it in a safe place." He glared at me.

I frowned and got this uneasy feeling towards him, "You know you can't kill me." I warned him and stood up.

"I know." He smiled and turned his head to look at the lake. He kept on staring and threw more pebbles into the water.

I walked back to James and tried to wake him up. Kiev was also wide-awake and he panicked for a minute but then he realised that he's okay under the sunlight. Ky turned his head and took a peek at Kiev and he just threw out a small little smile before returning back to play with the pebbles.

"We need to move." I spoke to James and he nodded. We cleaned up all our belongings and began walking towards the manor near the lake. We walked pretty much for more than 2 hours long.

Ky was basically a lunatic, shouting and rambling about nonsense every single second. Kiev kept quiet and James walked beside me. Then we finally reached the manor.

It was a run down wood-built manor. The building itself was sitting in the lake with bits of land sticking out from it. I saw a dim yellow light coming out from the little window on top of the room. I tried to see who's actually inside it but I can't see anyone. We stayed quiet for a little while but we heard nothing. I decided to go inside the manor but then James held my hand tightly.

 I decided to go inside the manor but then James held my hand tightly

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"Can we just go back?" He asked me. His voice trembles with fear.

"Relax, stay out here. I'll go in." I let go of my hand but he grabbed it again.

He insisted to go together inside the manor but I refused. By going inside together it's an actual death trap waiting for us. "Look, stay here with Kiev and I'll be fine on my own."

I walked inside the manor slowly and the wood creaks and let out spine-chilling sounds here and there. I heard rattles and footsteps all around me. I felt anxious and tried to be extra cautious. I kept on walking and crept slowly towards the stairs. I took a step and out of nowhere Ky was already on the second floor waving his hand at me and smiled down at me. "Come on! Can you hurry it up a little? I can't wait to kill everyone."

I gasped and groaned a little. Can this guy be a little more serious? "Can you not do that?" I yelled softly at him and tried to be even more cautious about my surrounding. I trailed and followed him on to the second floor and tried to find the way towards the third floor.

"Aw... this place is sad." He whispered at me. "At least please keep it clean." He wiped his finger on top of a shelf and saw thick dust on his finger. He quickly wiped it away and kept on walking. I shook my head twice and felt very annoyed. Why did I even agree to bring a psychopathic person here?

"There it is." He pointed at the small and narrow stairs that leads up to the third floor. "Care to go first?" He smirked playfully at me and insisted me to go first.

I frowned, "No, this time you can go first." I crossed my arms and told him to walk ahead.

We suddenly heard a thud behind us and quickly turned around. Ky immediately placed himself in front of me and stood very still trying to listen to what it was about. He clenched his fists and he kept his gaze towards the dark corner of the room.

"It's just me." James peeked out his head and walked carefully towards us. I sighed and getting angry at the same time.

"I told you to stay outside? Where's Kiev?" I looked around and found Kiev was walking alongside James.

"I'm sorry, he was so keen to go inside. I can't even bare to be outside under the sun as well." Kiev apologised and I became more frustrated. I just wanted to keep James safe and sound outside this hellhole.

"Well, well, well. The Alpha finally showed itself."

We all turned around at the same time and found Lilith was standing still in front of us all. She stood very still and then she rose up both of her hands.


Suddenly everything was dark and I hit my head on the wooden floor. I felt someone was dragging my leg and put me into a very dark room and then hit my head again with something blunt but very heavy.

All I could think of was James. Where is he? I need to see him and I need to find him. I can't get up and I can't see anything.

Everything was dark.

I could hear the sounds that were calling me even clearer.

"Come home, Alpha."

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