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Grey, 162 y/o

1951 - Klamath Falls, Oregon.

One year had just passed by and I still have no idea where the hell Mary is. I need to find her and kill her. I haven't got enough sleep and I wasn't living peacefully. I'm worried sick for James's safety and I don't ever wanted him to get hurt.

Oh and I forgot to mention, for the whole entire year I also had Ky following me around and came to my house every single day in the morning and late at night. It's either he was hungry and tried to raid my fridge or he just wanted to annoy me and made me late to go to work. Or even worse, he tried to kill James in every way possible but fortunately, James was smart enough not to listen or take Ky seriously.

"Grey, can we talk?" James asked.

"Sure go ahead." I sat down on the dining chair and James stood in front of me leaning back on the counter.

"What's up with Ky and you?" He frowned.

I lifted up my eyebrows, "What do you mean?" I asked in confusion.

"Don't act dumb, he's been following you for the whole entire year and wait for it..." He paused for a minute and then we heard a knock on the front door. "There he is." He then went ahead to open up the door and Ky was just standing there smiling. "You're not giving up are you?" James asked him.

"Is Grey here?" He smiled and she showed James a bucket with the lid closed. "I got something for her." He whispered and his smile grew bigger and he just walked inside the house and James just groaned with annoyance.

"Grey! Hey! I got you something! thought you might liked it!" He screamed and tried to look for me.

I walked towards the living room and found him with a bucket, "What." I crossed my arm and I sure am getting irritated.

Once he sees me, Ky showed me the bucket he got and opened it up. Revealing there is a bunch of dead squirrels inside there. "Squirrels!" He laughed and smiled at me. His grin grew wider and he took one of them and handed it over to me.

I looked at him and glanced at the squirrel in his hand. Suddenly I felt hungry and the blood dripping on his hand was just appetising. Without any further hesitation I took that squirrel from his hand and eat it. "Where did you buy them?" I looked at him and he laughed.

"Ha! I caught them... from next door." He lifted up his eyebrows and I stopped eating. He fucking stole squirrels?? Oh God... "No one saw me so you're good." He smiled and told me to continue eating.

I dropped the squirrel back in the bucket and snatched it from his hand.

"Whoa... you really are feisty." He held up both his hands and laughed playfully. "James, buddy. What are you up to tonight? Going out on an adventure?" He asked James and he walked closer to him but James just ignored him and James walked away. "Nobody likes me, why?" Ky frowned and glanced at me.

I shook my head, "You're insane Ky. Maybe that's why." He laughed and walked closer to the sofa and lay flat on it. He made himself comfortable, "You're sofa's good! Where did you get them? Can I borrow it?" He rubbed the sofa's armrest and he prepared himself to sleep on the sofa. I took a small pillow and threw it to him. He held up his finger and the pillow froze in mid air, "Why are you so mean to me? I brought you squirrels alright?" he flicked his finger back at me and the pillow came flying back right at me and hits my shoulder. I frowned at him and decided to walk away but then he spoke up, "Can you at least sit with me?"

"Don't you have anything better to do?"

He frowned, "No I don't actually." He looked at the fireplace and stare at it. The fireplace lit up slowly and the wood began to crackle and warmth covers the entire room. "Sit with me." He sat himself up on the sofa and patted the empty space next to him.

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