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Grey, 18 y/o

1887 - Klamath Falls, Oregon.

Has been roughly 6 years and I'm still stuck here, in the orphanage. I became more and more depressed and more violent by the years that has gone past. I was just frustrated seeing all other kids being picked up and brought home to their new families except me. What have I done wrong? I did absolutely nothing, yes NOTHING!

I wish they could feel what I felt being here in the orphanage alone and have no one to speak to. I have no one to share my thoughts and feelings. I wish they could all burn and rot in hell forever and feel all the pain that I have suffered for these years. I have been bullied throughout the years, being told as the cursed one, the devil's child, the unlucky one, bad luck charm and more insults than I could ever imagine. I was devastated and became very cold towards other people.

One night, one of the orphans burnt my drawing book while I watch in vain and being held by her peers. I cried in silence and nothing I could do to salvage my book. They laughed in mockery at me and left me alone outside at the backyard, it was raining and they locked me out. I don't care about anything else I just want it back. "Grey." Ben tapped my shoulder from behind and tried to calm me down by patting my back. At that time for sure I was angry. Not just a normal angry, but I felt rage. I can't control my emotions and my heart was just pumping blood even faster throughout my body. I felt heat and something deep inside of me is burning and it's burning like hell. I stood up and turned around facing Ben.

"Grey..." Ben looked at me and then he stepped back. He tried to look at me but he failed, as soon as he looked at me his tears were streaming down and fears consumed him like hungry wolves. "What happened to you Grey." Ben tried his best to calm me down but I can't do that.

"I want them dead." I spoke and He kept his silence. He stood still in front of me in fear, frozen. I walked passed him and he tried to catch up with me and tried to console me. "Please Grey, this isn't you, can you please..." I am not having any of this so I looked at him and pierced him with my sight. "Go home." He looked at me in fear and he bowed, "Yes... Alpha." He ran as fast as he could without even looking back at me and he's gone.

I was confused, did I scare him away until he forgot my name? Why did he call me Alpha? Who's Alpha? I was still raging inside of me so I walked through the halls and try to find my book. I walked past a mirror, I stopped and glared. I was shocked and can't comprehend what just happened to me. Piercing Grey Silver wolf eyes, dark veins under my eyes, my hair turned to dark silver and glistens under the dim light, canine fangs coming out from my mouth and I felt hungry. I glared at the mirror and tried to look away but I can't, my own reflection was very captivating and scary at the same time. I looked at my own eyes in the reflection and there I saw it.


I saw hell fire, demonic beings, angels of death, and creatures that I thought wasn't even real. People was being burned and tormented in there, shouts and screams were heard everywhere. Burning coal was being thrown all around the people that were walking in chains naked. Pain and sorrows were howling. Hearing that made my hunger goes away and I'm satisfied. I closed my eyes and tried to calm my self down. I took a breath and with all bravery that I have, I opened up my eyes and I'm back to normal. Brown eyes, dark hair, no fangs in sight and no more Hell. I'm still shaken up and confused. Was that just a hallucination or was it really me? Am I a monster? I forgot completely about what happened to my book and Ben, I went straight to my room.

I locked the door and stood in front of my mirror. I tried to find the girl that was just like me but I can't find her. Who was that? I stood still and tried to find out what just happened. That girl that I just saw, was that really is me? Why did I felt such powers and hunger. I could taste blood from miles away and I could smell fresh pumping hearts. I could even hear everything from walking tiny insects to loud roaring engines of jet planes. What is actually going on, am I going crazy?

I decided to keep this as a secret to myself and figure everything out tomorrow. I just need a very good night sleep. I changed my clothes and went straight to my bed and plopped my head on to the pillow.

"I wish everything would be better by tomorrow."

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