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Grey, 12 y/o

1881 - Klamath Falls, Oregon.

It is dark, snowstorm is brewing into town. Everyone is gathering up their stuff and heading inside their homes as fast as they could. It is going to be a harsh night to get through. "Ugh, why now?" I run through the windy and rocky roads of Klamath. Trying to find shelter under the big trees. I found one, a giant tree with enough leaves and branches that could hold the pour. I sit on the gravel road for a while and observing around. Ah, families. I wonder how it feels like to be one of the kids inside the warm and cozy house. Lathered and showered with warmth, food, water and above all ... Love. I wonder how it feels like to be loved. I wonder how it feels like to be taken care of. I wonder... how it feels like to have a family.

"Keep on dreaming, maybe one day you'll have one."

I venture off and keeps on walking on the roads towards the orphanage.

Yes, maybe... One day I'll have a family of my own.

One day Grey, One day.

I head on inside the building, I call it as my home ... not so sweet home. I have no friends here except for Ben. He is one of my teacher in my classes and he is a very nurturing person I have ever met. He cares about his students, their grades and also their wellbeing.

I found Ben sitting in one if the halls in front of the fireplace getting heat and cozy up. "Hey Ben." I whispered and smiled. "Hey Grey, how's your day been? Come sit here, I made hot cocoa for you."

Benjamin Andrews, that quirky and nerdy glasses made him look even friendlier. He is the tallest guy among every other teachers and he is the one that stood out the most. Well, maybe just because he is the most attractive one. With that baby blue eyes, dark blonde hair and hey.. some of the students have a crush on him but not me. It may sound that I'm lying but I'm not, Ben is my teacher and I know the boundaries of that.

I strutted towards Ben and sit on the armchair next to a giant window overlooking Klamath Falls, the snowstorm is indeed very harsh. "It's a harsh one tonight, you better shut the windows in your room properly before going to bed Grey." I nodded and Ben hands over a mug of hot cocoa with marshmallows in it. I put out a giant smile and quickly drinks it down. "Hot cocoa, my favourite! Thanks Ben."

We have a short little conversation for a while, having a little giggle and a bit of jokes. Time goes by and hits 8 pm all of a sudden. Ben says his goodbyes and then he goes back home. Back home to his family, to his wife, his children. How I wish sometimes.. it was me. I wish I could go home to a family that is mine.

I sit on the windowsill looking out at the blizzard and wondering about how happy it would be in a home full of joy and laughter. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day for me, I can only hope. I walk up to the empty halls, it was dark and rustic. Chipped woods are all over the place, looks like the building is very out of shape. I looks up and glare at one of the portrait, a family picture of the orphanage. I feel warm and fuzy all of the sudden but then it vanishes again. I look away and go straight to my room. I can only feel cold and nothing else. I walk up to the window and shut them up tight so I can sleep well tonight. I change my clothes and go straight to bed, I hope tomorrow will be a better day for me.

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