G.F. Silvius

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Grey, 22 y/o

1890 - Klamath Falls, Oregon.

"Grey, go change because we are going out for family dinner!" Ruby shouted from across the room. "Okay!" I'm thrilled to head out for a family dinner. I finally got to say that I have a family dinner. A FAMILY DINNER!! I got myself a family.

2 years has gone past and I was feeling larger-than-life. I finally got to feel whole and fulfilled. Oh, and also I'm about to start my college in a few days thanks to Mary, she and Joseph decided to pay for my tuition for college. I'm starting off my freshman year with Ruby and James. Speaking about James, him and I never spoke for more than 2 minutes for these past 2 years. It's so hard to have a great conversation with him and I don't know why. We barely know each other, I'm eager to have a talk with him but he immediately turned me down every single time.

"Right what should I wear this time?" I opened up my wardrobe and I picked out my grey dress with white ribbon in front. "I bet this is good enough." I get dressed quickly and start to brush on my hair. While looking in the mirror I noticed something is off. My eyes, they've changed. I looked closer in the mirror and my eyes were completely different. My right eye was dark brown and my left eye was grey-silver coloured. What the hell is going on? Am I going blind? "What is this?" I blinked several times and the colour stays there as if that is my eye colour.

I panicked but I remembered, closing my eyes and try to calm myself down might work again just like several years ago. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly and try to think of my happy thoughts. "Happy thoughts now." I opened up my eyes slowly and it's back to normal. I took a long glare at my own reflection and my veins under my eyes slowly crept away. My fangs also retracted and everything goes back to normal. I looked outside at my window and it's full moon. "I really need to be very careful outside."

"Grey are you ready to go?" Ruby peeked from the door and I nodded. "Yes, I am ready." I stood up and head downstairs with Ruby. James was already there, sulking. "What took you so long, all you have to do is get dressed and go." I kept quiet and just try to be calm as possible. "Let her be James, I took a long time as well." Ruby tried to defend. "Why do you have to talk for her? Let her talk and you, be quiet for once." I tried to talk Ruby out of this situation but then Mary and Joseph walks out from their room. "Children that's enough. Let's go now." Mary waved her hand instructing us to walk out the door. Hence Joseph is the last one to leave the house he locked the door behind and joined the four of us.

We went to see the town's market and fairgrounds, we went to a local restaurant and we had a very great time except James. He was just standing alone and not wanting to take part of anything that got to do with me. I tried to ask him to join Ruby and me but he denied and ventured off alone. "James hates me." I sulked but Ruby tried to comfort me, "Hey come on, James is always like that to other people anyways. Don't worry about him." I looked at James walking away from the crowd and sat down on a stone bench all alone. "Should I try to talk to him? Maybe this is a great time to start you know. I have to at least try." Ruby nodded and told me to go ahead and try.

I walked over to James and try to be as nice as I could be towards him. "Hi James, thought you might need a company." I smiled and sat next to him. "Go away Grey, I don't need you to bother me." He looked away from me but I'm not giving up. "I'm sorry." James looked at me in confusion.

"Why are you apologising?"

"I don't know, maybe because I bother you all the time?"

"Well that's true."

"What is it with you? You never wanted to talk with me. Whenever I'm around, you left, and whenever I tried to talk with you, you just shut it down."

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