Almost There

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Grey, 162 y/o

1951 - Klamath Falls, Oregon.

"Hey! Can you stop doing whatever you're doing for a minute?" Ky smiled and anxiously waiting for me to turn around.

I groaned and turned around, finding him standing in front of me with a lady that looked superbly similar to him. I frowned, "Hi?" I'm confused and glanced towards Ky and back to the lady beside him.

"This is Nyx my sister." He grinned and continued, "She's just like me except she's a girl and I'm... well you can say more powerful than she is." He smirked at me and looked at Nyx. The lady rolled her eyes and looked at me, "Hi, I'm Nyxandria. Short for Nyx, you can call me whatever you want." She smiled and sat next to me.

James walked towards the dining room and stopped. He looked confused because Nyx was there and he got no idea who she is. "Umm... who's this?" He pointed at Nyx and looked at me.

"Hi, I'm Nyx." She smiled at James and her eyes glowed green just for a second.

"James." He smiled and kept looking at her.

"It's very nice to meet you Nyx." I smiled at her and stood up from the chair. I walked towards the fridge and opened it up to find food. I'm starving and I need to eat something. I glanced towards the milk and fruits and I hesitated for a little while but took a tomato out and holds it in my hand. I turned around and Ky looked at me all confused.

"Since when a wolf became vegetarian? I brought you a bucket of squirrels. Are they gone?" He kept looking at me and scowled, "Did you finish all of them?" Suddenly his eyes widened and kept looking at me. "Did you leave me anything?" He smiled.

"Shut up Ky." I gave him a side eye but he didn't even care and kept on rambling about stuff that just doesn't make sense. He kept talking with James and tried to, you know... kill him.

I walked towards the living room where it's quiet and I just sat myself down on the sofa. Nyx walked towards me and smiled. "Can I join you?" She asked politely.

"Sure thing!" I let her sat beside me and I ate the tomato. "You're way more polite than your brother."

She laughed, "He's a psycho, so no wonder." She smiled and looked at me.

"How old are you?" I glanced at her.

"I'm 265 and Ky's 268." She smiled and said her age without even hesitating.

I stayed quiet trying to grasp what she just said, "Wait, two... what?" I kept looking at her and she giggled.

"Yes, I know. We're old." She smirked at me and glanced towards the lit up fireplace. "Very old."

I looked towards the fireplace and continued to talk with Nyx. "Ky never told me about his history." I rolled my eyes, "How can he."

Nyx laughed again, "We're from Salem." She looked at her ring, silver with engravings that looked like a crown and a letter D on it. "We are the Doxons family." She smiled and touched her ring softly and played with it. "Family of witches." She looked at me and she smiled.

I smiled back at her, "Thank you for telling me."

She nodded and we kept talking for sometime and I felt comfortable with her.

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