Cry of the Wolf

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Grey, 162 y/o

1951 – Aspen Lake, Oregon.

I kept staring at her and tried to push through so that I could grab James and Ky out from the pentagram. I looked at James and he was knocked out. I tried calling his name but he isn't responding to any of it. I got frustrated and tried to throw rocks at Mary but she stopped it with her hands. I was mad and furious. I was afraid that James would get hurt.

"Kiev was gone because of your doing!" I screamed and I started to feel the anger and rage built inside of me.

"Oh dear, you killed my daughter? Lilith?" She smiled and then laughed at me.

I was confused, "Lilith was your daughter you lunatic! Aren't you mad?" I tried to anger her but she just laughed at me.

"Lilith was nobody honey." She smiled at me and began walking towards James. She took a good look at him and grabbed his hair pulling it backwards so she could see his face clearly. "She was just a shape shifter that I built." She let go of James's hair and walked towards Ky. She took a good look at him and then she showed me a wooden stake on her hand. I got very nervous and became very cautious. "What's a psycho doing here with you, hmm?" She played with the stake on her hand and poked Ky's face with it carefully.

"Stop it!" I screamed and my hand started to itch. I felt the claws are growing from my fingertips.

She noticed it and turned her focus to me. She smiled and spoke up, "Oh... you've learnt a lot haven't you?" She hid the stake and walked closer to me.

"All these years you've always wanted to see me right?" I asked her, tried my best to be calm.

She nodded and smiled, "Why yes. I wanted to see my husband's murderer." She stood still in front of me still inside the pentagram. I tried to grab her but I can't, the force inside the pentagram was too strong even my own powers can't go through it. Mary laughed at me and she mocked me. "Darling, you lost." She walked backwards and stood in the middle of James and Ky.

"Grey?" I heard James's voice and he slowly looked up and saw me. He panicked and tried to free himself but that was useless. The verbena on him weakened him and it actually is hurting him. He groaned and was suffering in pain.

"Relax, I'll get you out." I tried my best to calm him down but got even more panicked the minute he saw Mary. She smiled at him and strokes his hair gently. I know James was scared to death but I still can't do anything to save him. I was hoping hat Ky would wake up and do something to help me.

"Ky!" I screamed at him but he wasn't responding. "Please Ky! Wake up!" I yelled again to him but the results are the same.

"So now, it's just between you and me Grey." Mary walked closer to me. She stopped just before the last line of the pentagram. "Let's talk, shall we?"

I kept quiet and tried my best to calm myself down. I kept gazing at her and tried not to lose sight of her.

"Why is it so easy to draw a lone wolf out from her hiding?" She smiled and continued. "Why is it so easy to play with your emotion?"

"I wasn't hiding."

"Then what were you doing?"

"I was hunting." I glared at her and I saw a glimpse of myself from the window a reflection of myself with grey hair and eyes. "I don't have emotions."

She scoffed, "Really?" She asked me.

I kept quiet.

"What about Kiev?"

"What about him? He's dead, I know."

Her eyes widened and smirked, "What about Ruby then?"

"She's gone too. Now she got a friend to play with." I kept trying not to break down in tears. I tried to be strong.

She nodded, "What if I did something to James?" She asked and showed me the stake again.

I looked at it, "You wouldn't dare." I smiled at her and continued, "You know what I did to Joseph. It was... fun." I grinned at her and licked my fangs. "He was bloody delicious."

Her face turned sour, "Enough." She took a step backwards but she kept facing me.

"You created me Mary, now you've got to face me." I smiled at her and showed her my claws. They were so dark and hideous. She gasped a little bit but she gained back her composure. I tried to take a step forward inside the pentagram and I can finally break through the bond that Mary created for the pentagram. She looked shocked and terrified that I've breached through her only safe place.

I walked towards her calmly and cautiously but she took a stake out and held it on James's neck. I stopped and stood very still not moving a single soul. "Don't be stupid Mary." I glared at her and I felt angry.

Mary glanced at Ky and she took another wooden stake from her hand and pointed it towards Ky's head. I was taken aback and I can't even comprehend on what I should do next. I stood very still.

"I want you to make a decision." Mary asked me and she smiled.

"Put it down." I yelled at her calmly but firmly.

"It's either James or him." She smiled at me and giggled.

I frowned, "You wanted me, so just take me instead." I opened up my arms widely showing her my vulnerable chest.

She smiled, "I want you to suffer like I did." She kept pointing the stakes at James and Ky.

"Umm... No thank you." Ky looked at the wooden stake and quickly realises that he was about to be staked. "What's going on? Grey?" He called me.

I stood in the middle of the pentagram and tried to make a reasonable offer for Mary.

I looked at my claws and looked at myself again on the window's reflection. I'm a monster and I don't deserve to live amongst the others. Wherever I go, there will certainly be death. This is the curse, the curse of the devil's child. I brought hell to everyone around me. I took a very good thought and I closed my eyes. A tear rolled down my eye and I wiped it off. I opened up my eyes and looked straight to Mary.

"I'll leave." I spoke firmly and it shocked James and Ky. They couldn't even imply.

"I'll leave Klamath Falls." I walked backwards and out from the pentagram.

Mary was confused, "You're not going to save them?" She put down the wooden stake but I kept walking backwards.

"No." I stopped when I was right outside the last line of the pentagram. "You're looking for me right?" I smiled and looked at her.

My tears suddenly rolled down from both of my eyes and I felt broken. Deep inside I wanted to save both of them but I can't kill Mary by myself. She's my creator and that means she knew my weaknesses. She could kill me in an instant with her spells. I was feeling dark deep inside my heart and I started to feel that I'm changing. I looked down and the tears kept on streaming from my eyes.

I heard both James and Ky was calling out for my name but I wasn't listening to them I finally got a grip on myself and looked up at Mary.

My tears were gone and I can't even feel my own emotions. They're gone and all I can feel now is hunger. The need to kill and eat. I am becoming the monster that I am.

I looked at James and Ky. I wasn't even saying good-bye to them. I was just staring at them stone cold and I stopped my gaze at Mary. I glared at her and kept staring. Then I stepped backwards towards the door and grinned at her.

"Come get me."

I left the room and I ran towards the lake and rushed through heading to the mountain.

I left them.

I went home.

I'm coming home.

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