"Welcome Home"

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Grey, 162 y/o

1951 – Diamond Peak, Oregon.

I kept on running towards the mountain. It was cold and it was going dark in any moment. At first it was cold and wet ground then it became snow. I kept on running through the trees, through the dense forest, and finally I was out in the meadows. I kept looking left and right. I smelled something so very familiar in the distance and of course I followed it. I kept following it until I climbed on the rocky cliffs and saw a woman showing her back at me. She looked very familiar and looked like I had seen her before.

I kept glaring at her back and she turned around. I widened my eyes and spoke up to her.

"Amanda?" I walked closer to her.

She smiled and ran closer to me, "Alpha." She instantly knelt before me and kept her head down.

"Why are you here? Where are we?"

I looked around and all I could see was just snow and giant rocks surrounding both of us. She smiled, "You don't even remember where we are?" She asked me to follow her and I did.

I trailed her from behind and she kept guiding me towards a very narrow opening in the middle of two giant rocks. We went inside and what's behind it surprised me.

I saw people and cabins made from wood. I saw civilisation.

I heard them having a good time, chattering around with other people.

I looked at Amanda, "Who are they?"

"Your kind, Alpha." She smiled softly.

I was confused and kept on thinking to myself why am I here?

I glanced at Amanda, "Why are you keep calling me Alpha?"

"Because you are... our Alpha."

She guided me towards the crowd and every single person's eyes stared at me. Instantly everyone knelt down before me and they were cheering.

'Welcome Home!'

'Our Alpha's Home!'

Everyone was just gathering around me and they all looked extravagant. They were very pleased to have me at their civilisation but I'm still confused. I didn't even know who they are.

I smiled and my heart beats a little happier. I felt complete and I felt contented around them. I walked with them around the cabins and around the rocks.

I was ecstatic.

I looked at Amanda and mouthed thank you. She just gave me a simple smile and she joined in with me.

"Welcome Home, Alpha."











End of 'Cry of the Wolf'

Book 1

'The Howling'

Book 2

'Coming Soon'

Cry of the WolfWhere stories live. Discover now