Aspen Lake

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Grey, 162 y/o

1951 - Klamath Falls, Oregon.

"I don't want you leave town." James leaned against my dresser next to the window and crossed his arms.

"I don't have a choice, either I'm going to kill them or they come to us and kill you." I prepared some of my clothing and put in some verbena in my bag.

James shook his head twice and still disagreeing with my idea of going to the lake and finding Lilith by my own. "At least take me with you. I don't have anyone else here Grey." He pleaded and I'm not giving a single care about him. All I want right now is to find Mary and killing Lilith might be the only way to draw her out from her hiding.

"Look, it's dangerous and I don't want anything bad happened to you okay so maybe you can..."

"No! It's either you know that I'm coming with you or I would sneak out and follow you. Your choice." James insisted.

I sighed and looked at him, "You can't do anything irrational if you tag along." With a heavy heart, I finally let him to join me. I continued to prepare my bag.

"Good! That's what I wanted to hear." He stormed off back to his room.

"Get yourself thick jackets and bring your own verbena!" I shouted.

Shoot, I forgot to bring my wooden stake. I think I left it in the living room. I sighed and began walking towards the living room. I was about to walk through the corridor and then I gasped. I saw Ky fiddling with my stake and took a very good look at it. "You know, this stake is very dangerous." He spoke to me and then he turned around to face me. His devilish smile was showing from his face and his hand kept on playing with the wooden stake. "But... not to you." He smiled towards me and handed over the wooden stake to me.

I took the stake cautiously, "Why are you here?" I asked him.

"We're going on an adventure! It's going to be fun!" He grinned and continued, "Killing other witches? I love killing them." He looked around the living room and he stopped at the fireplace. "Once you kill one of them, you just can't stop. It's very addicting." He smiled and kept on staring at the fireplace.

"You're psycho." I gave him a side eye and walked back to my room. I looked at the stake and there is an engraving on it.

'Kyro's property'

This guy needs to stop messing with my stuff. I groaned and kept on walking to my room. I opened up the door and Oh... My God.

"Hey! Get out!" I screamed.

Ky was messing around with my clothes in my bag, "You don't need to bring so much stuff. We're certainly not camping." He frowned and kept on sorting out my clothes. I stormed closer to him and snatched my shirt from his hand. "Hey! I was about to tell you, that shirt is ugh... ugly." His face mocked at me and he looked disgusted with my shirt.

"Can you please annoy someone else? James maybe?" I got very bothered and tried to put all of my belongings back into my bag but Ky held my hand firmly.

"Just for you to know, I'm going with you." He looked at me. This time he looked deadly serious. Not even his psychopathic smile was shown.

I frowned, "Oh great. Now you're joining too?" I got very irritated with him and decided not to care about who's coming with me. I kept on putting my clothes back into my bag and zipped it close. I picked it up but then Ky snatched it from me.

"I'm worried." He looked at me.

"You need to worry about yourself, you might get killed." I glared at him.

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