"Found You"

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Grey, 162 y/o

1951 – Aspen Lake, Oregon.

I opened up my eyes slowly and tried to gain back my composure. I looked around me and I can't see anything. Everything was pitch black and it was all so quiet. I looked around me and tried to find James. I called his name softly but no answer. I can't hear a single thing and my head kept spinning around. I felt like I was being burned alive, the heat inside of me kept on rising.

"The lone wolf." I heard a woman's voice drawing closer on me. I looked up and kept on searching. I can't see a thing. "The hunter became the hunted." I looked around over and over again but I still can't find a single soul in that dark room. I panicked and tried to free myself from whatever was holding my wrists.

A bright light shone above my head and it hurts my eyes badly. I screamed in pain and I looked in front of me. Lilith was standing in front of me carrying a wooden stake and a bottle of verbena in her other hand. She walked closer to me and kept on talking, "You killed my father." She walked an inch closer. "You've hurt my mother." She stopped in front of me and looked closely into my eyes. "You deserve to feel pain and suffer."

She grabbed my neck and poured the verbena into my mouth and forcing me to drink it down. She clenched her nails into my neck until I felt there are scratches on it. She let go and took a step back, I was coughing badly and I felt my neck was burning. I looked at my hand and it was tied with chains poured with verbena. I looked up and saw her standing so very still in front of me carrying the wooden stake.

"You deserve to go to hell!" She yelled at me and stabbed me with the wooden stake. It went right through my heart and I saw my blood was dripping right on her hands. I felt the stake through my beating heart and it shocked me. I gasped for air and tried to be strong but the verbena that was in my system beats me. I tried to look at her and tried to heal my own heart but I can't. My hands were still tied shut on the chair with heavy chains.

"Down she goes." Lilith smiled at me and she stepped backwards. She looked very satisfied and pleased. "This isn't over yet wolf, the show was just about to start." She then punched my head until I passed out.

I can taste it.

I can taste blood and I can hear heartbeats.

Then it was dark again.


"Hello Grey."

I heard a woman's voice again. I tried to open up my eyes but everything was a blur. I can't see clearly. I'm still alive? The room was dim and it was a very dark cave like room. I gain my consciousness and looked straight at Lilith.

"You." I spoke up and she laughed at me.

"Oh... did I wake up the Alpha?" She smirked and mocked me. She walked closer to me. "Do you want to see something special?" She grabbed my hair and dragged me across the room and then threw me down on the ground. I was thrown flat on the ground and I can see something was covered under a black tarp. I frowned and smelled blood. Lilith uncovered the tarp and showed me something hideous and horrifying.

Kiev. His body was full of wounds and fresh blood. His stomach was gushing blood.

My jaw dropped and my heart sunk deep. I tried to help him but the chains that were still stuck to both of my wrists held me back. I tried to yank them hoping that I'd be free and help Kiev but I was too weak. Lilith was laughing at me and she walked towards Kiev's body. She looked at Kiev's ring that was still glowing.

"No! Please don't..." I pleaded and tears started to pour out.

Lilith looked at me and she grinned, "Did I hit the Alpha's nerve?" She smiled and kept on gazing at Kiev's ring. She knelt down and touched his ring.

"No, no, no... please leave him alone. You got me!" I pleaded again but Lilith didn't give a single care at me.

The nightmare that I thought would end with Ruby, it happened again with Kiev. This time it's worse. Lilith took away Kiev's ring and the minute she took it off, Kiev's body was on flames. She opened up the curtain and letting more sun rays filling up the room and burning Kiev's body. I screamed as loudly as I can and tried to escape the chains that were holding me back but I can't. The verbena was still too strong inside me and all I can do was cried and watch him burned to death.

Then it was all gone. Kiev's body was nowhere to be found and all that's left was just his ashes on the ground. I felt this rage inside of me burning up and I felt like I was consuming flames. I tried to get rid of the chains but I can't and I came to realization that I can defeat Lilith not with violence, but with witchcraft. I looked at her and glared.

"et putredo in infernum"

The moment I spoke up Lilith body caught with flames and it burned even brighter. I kept on saying those words and it burned bigger even the flames caught up with the chair that I was tied to. The chair burned and the wood crackled and got destroyed. The chains melted down due to the heat and I broke free. I didn't get injured because of it at all. I stood up in the flames facing at Lilith. I gave her a deep stare and paced towards her. I grabbed her neck and choked her high up above my head.

"Long live the queen." She spoke and smiled at me.

I tore apart her head from her body and I threw it away to the side. I let her headless body go and it dropped to the wooden floor. I smelled the blood and start licking my own hand. I saw her body and I strike through her chest grabbing her heart with my bare hand. I pulled it out and started to feast on it. I kept on eating and without even knowing that I was still crying. My heart aches because of Kiev. I grieved and mourned for him. Deep down I know that he's taking care of Ruby right now.

I stood up and threw the heart on the floor and went to look for James and Ky. I walked outside of the room and found empty hallway leading towards a big door on the other side of the building. I ran towards it and the door swung open. I walked inside and found James with Ky passed out sitting on wooden chairs. They're both tied up with chains and they're drenched with verbena. There is a giant pentagram symbol on the floor across the room. Immediately, I ran towards James but I can't even move an inch closer to him. My body was frozen still and I looked up.

There she is.


"Hello Grey." She smiled. "How long has it been now?"

"Way too fucking long."

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