Chapter 5

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When Elsie woke up the next morning, she was met by an empty bed and the lingering smell of a certain curly-haired boy. She sighed realizing he probably left to get breakfast with the boys.

She laid down in his bed a little longer, reminiscing about the previous night that she was able to remember because of the sobering actions of seeing James cry. She remembered the dancing with James, the kiss with Rory, the way both he and James reacted. Elsie turned over in the bed and shoved her face into the pillow, letting out a muffled and frustrated scream.

Not even a second later, a frenzied looking James came running into the room with only a towel wrapped around his waist. Out of breath he shakily spit out, "W-what.. what happened? A-are you okay?"

He stood there with water dripping down his body, leaving the floor below him a slippery mess.

How does he not realize the things he does to me when I see him like this? Elsie quickly sat up with her mouth open in shock. "Godric James, you look like you just ran a marathon! What's wrong with you?" she said trying her best not to let her gaze slip down his body.

"I w-was in the shower, and... and y-you.. I screamed! Bloody hell I though you were hurt!" James replied pointing his finger accusingly towards the girl.

Elsie giggled at the frenzied boy and climbed out of the bed to stand up.

"Right, well if you're done scaring me to death with your screams of bloody murder-," James began while running his hand through his wet hair.

"Oh shut it, you drama queen. It wasn't that loud," Elsie cut him off while rolling her eyes and crossing her arms across her chest. James scoffed and went to head back to his bathroom. In the process of turning around, James slipped on the water that dripped from his body and fell to the floor.

Elsie began hysterically laughing and reached out an arm to pull him up. He bashfully accepted her hand and began to stand up, his towel falling off in the process.

Elsie's face flushed completely as she stared down at his now bare body. Bloody hell, he's naked...James Potter is standing in front of me completely naked...

"Shit," James breathed out as he scrambled to get his towel from off the floor. Elsie's eyes were wide with shock, and she couldn't bring her self to look away from the wet, naked mess that was James Potter.

He picked up his towel and immediately placed it over his bare groin, an image Elsie would have engraved in her head for the rest of her life.

"Well.. erm.. I'm gonna go finish...uh," a flustered and red James began walking back to the bathroom barely managing to spit out his sentence.

Because he only had his towel placed in front of him, Elsie still had a complete view of his arse as he walked away. She decided to end the embarrassing situation with with a teasing comment in order to not let things gets awkward between the two.

"James?" She called out. "Erm, yes?" He looked back at her while nervously scratching the back of his neck.

"Nice arse," she winked with a smirk and walked out of the room.

With a blush permanently etched onto her face, she finally reached the Gryffindor common room. Because she woke up early, she had some time before she had to get ready for her classes. She headed up to the boys' dorms in hopes of talking to her friends and distracting her thoughts from what had just happened.

She knocked on their door and an already dressed Remus let her in. He looked at her curiously and asked, "Why do you look like you've just walked in on two people shagging?"

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