Chapter 2

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Elsie woke up to a shuttering clicking sound and a few muffled giggles. She was about to ignore it and let herself drift off back to sleep when she remembered where she was. James, who was still sleeping, had his arms wrapped around her. Elsie was tucked under the right side of James' body in a little spoon position. This was something that happened often between the two, seeing as James was a very physically affectionate person and Elsie could never deny free cuddles from him. However, she jolted awake realizing exactly what the shuttering sound was.

In front of her stood a snickering Remus Lupin with a camera blocking half of his face. Sirius and Peter stood behind him with knowing grins on their face. Elsie's cheeks flushed red.

"Remus John Lupin, what on earth do you think you're doing!?" she harshly whispered, trying not to wake James up. An image began to develop from the muggle Polaroid that was charmed to take moving pictures.

"Now, now little Tibbles..." he began teasing her, "better not be too loud. We don't want to wake up sleeping beauty over there, do we?" He finished as he pointed towards James with a smirk growing on his face.

Elsie huffed and crossed her arms as she tried to carefully wiggle of out James' grip. James resisted her attempts in a sleeping daze by pulling her closer and nestling his head in the crook of her neck while groaning, "Elsieeee... stay still." Elsie's face blushed crimson.

"Yeah Els, stay still," Sirius teased, "don't wanna make lover boy upset." He continued in a sing-song voice, "Tibbles and Prongsie, sitting in a tree..." His voice progressively got louder as he snatched the moving photo from Remus' hands. Sirius began slowly backing away to the door as Elsie realized he still had the picture.

She began panicking, "Sirius Black! You wouldn't dare! Give that to me this instant!"

"K-I-S-S...,"he began.  "THATS IT!" She shouted as she jumped off the bed and began running towards him. James jolted awake with in a startled frenzy as he heard the screaming girl.

He watched as Elsie bolted after Sirius out of his room and heard him call out "-I-N-G!" while footsteps crashed down the stairs that led to the living room.

When they reached the living room, Elsie tackled Sirius down to the ground and landed directly on top of him. Remus, James, and Peter came running down the stairs to find their two friends in the compromising position.

"Shit, Els. If you wanted to be on top of me so badly you could've just asked," Sirius said in a smooth tone that would've seduced any girl who heard it, except for Elsie of course. He winked at her as she rolled her eyes and grabbed his arm, still trying to get the picture from him.

"Oi, sod off her you prat," James pointed at Sirius in a defensive tone. "Why would she want to be on top of you when she has the option of being on top me instead," he smirked while walking over to the two and hooking an arm around Elsie's waist to pull her off Sirius. He then held out a hand to Sirius, pulling him up as well.

"Oh please, we all know your not an option, Prongs," Sirius rolled his eyes as he spoke to the boy with the round glasses. In a moment of distraction, Elsie grabbed the photo from Sirius' hand and walked into the kitchen, ignoring the conversation being had between the boys.

"Why not?" James asked with a slight frown watching his best friend leave the room.

"Because you're in love with Lily, Prongs. Even I know the answer to that. Nobody else even stands a chance," Peter finally spoke up. Remus and Sirius nodded in agreement. The four boys headed back upstairs to get ready to leave for King's Cross Station.

Meanwhile, Elsie sat down in the kitchen as she relaxed knowing she was already packed and sipped on a cup of tea. Two lumps of sugar with a dash of milk as always, a habit she picked up from all the times Peter made it for her. He always made the best tea.

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