Chapter 61

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Elsie was nervously pacing around her dorm room, her bottom lip tucked under her teeth as clothes were splattered all over her bed. Now, this wasn't something she should be anxious over. It was only a date. But of course, James Potter always had and always will have a lasting effect on Elsie. So, she spent the entire day trying to pick out something to wear.

"Bloody hell, Els," Marlene spoke out in shock at the sight of their room as she, Alice, and Lily entered, "It looks like a round of Cornish pixies were let in here."

Elsie's head snapped up at the sound of her friends entering the room, a pink tint rising to her cheeks in embarrassment as she stopped pacing. She looked down at the ground while Alice chuckled her way over to the small brunette and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"You still haven't picked an outfit for tonight yet, have you?" She laughed while raising an eyebrow at her friend, referring to the mystery date that James had planned out for Elsie.

Elsie began shaking her head no while gesturing the pile of clothes thrown about the room, as a smirk formed on Marlene's face, "Don't worry, I'll pick something for you. James it."

"No!" Both Lily and Alice shouted at the same time while staring at their blonde friend with wide eyes, knowing whatever Marlene was going to pick wouldn't be appropriate.

"Oi, you lot are no fun," Marlene and Elsie let out a round of chuckles as the blonde made her way over to her bed, "I'm still surprised that you're going out with bloody James Potter, your best friend of all people!"

"Trust me, I'm  more surprised than the three of you combined," Elsie let out as a playful smile found its way onto her face.

"Let's be honest here," Lily began jokingly speaking while walking over to Elsie's closet, "James is probably the most surprised out of all of us. That boy was like a deer in headlights while trying to figure out his feelings for you."

Elsie sniggered at the deer wordplay, as Alice joined Lily by Elsie's closet.

"Especially since everyone thought he was still in love with Lily," Alice added onto Lily's comment, nudging the red-head with her elbow while sifting through Elsie's clothes.

While the three girls laughed at what was being said, Elsie had suddenly gone quiet. She completely forgot about Lily and James, more specifically about the fact that at one point Lily had feelings for him. And suddenly, Elsie began feeling like an extremely terrible friend. Sure, she loved James. But, Lily was her friend and she hadn't even bothered to ask if it was okay with her. How could I do this? Lily is one of my closet friends and I just disregarded her feelings...I should've talked to her about it first. What if she's mad at me? What if-

Her train of thought was cut off when she felt a hand touch her shoulder and saw a pair of green eyes staring at her. As if reading Elsie's mind, Lily warmly smiled at her and genuinely spoke, "He was never mine to begin with, he was always yours even if he fooled himself into believing otherwise. I'm happy for you, Els."

Elsie released a breath that she didn't know she was holding and threw her arms around Lily for a hug, "Thanks, Lils."

"Just make me the maid of honor, yeah?" Lily teased her back as Elsie cheeks burned red, before deepening the embrace.

Alice and Lily eventually picked out an outfit for Elsie. Once they deemed her ready to go, Elsie said her goodbyes and went to leave. Just before she exited the room, she heard her three friends call out one last time...

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

"Do everything that I would do!"

"Godric, ignore them and just have fun!"

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