Chapter 49

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James had spent the next week anxiously getting through the days in hopes that Benjy wouldn't say anything to Elsie about his confession. As much as he wanted to wrap his arms around her, as much as he wanted to pull her face in and kiss her, as much as he wanted to tell her that he does love her, he couldn't. Elsie was happy and he didn't want to be the one to ruin that for her, even if he was now forming a distaste for the boy she was with.

It was now Saturday, March 27, meaning that it was James' birthday. Elsie woke up extra early so she could go over to James' dorm before breakfast and give him the gift she got him. Even though they were throwing him a party in the Gryffindor Tower tonight, she wanted to do something special for him on her own. After all, he was her best friend. He deserved it.

When reaching his dorm, she opened up the door to his room quietly and snuck in to see that he was fast asleep. With a smirk on her face, she tip-toed over to the record player resting on his desk and slipped a record into it, turning the volume up all the way. Suddenly, ABBA started echoing through the room.

A startled James jumped up from his bed quickly and scrambled to reach for his wand, picking up a quill instead due to his lack of glasses,  and pointed it at the intruder. What he failed to remember is that night, he slept butt naked. Merlin, not again...

"James Fleamont Potter," Elsie screamed while placing her hands over her widened eyes, trying to avoid the same incident that happened last time, "Where are your clothes?!"

James breathed out a sigh of relief as he realized who it was, "Fuck, Els. You scared me."

"And you thought you'd defend yourself with a quill?" Elsie snickered while teasing the blurry-visioned boy and turning off the music, her hands still covering her eyes.

He look down in his hand at the item that he realized was not his wand and quickly threw it to the side in embarrassment, reaching over and grabbing his glasses to put on.

"So, are you going to tell me why you decided to break into my-," James started saying while placing a sassy hand on his bare hip, not minding to put on his clothes.

Elsie quickly cut him off while chuckling, peeking through her fingers to see if he was dressed yet, "Can you put some bloody clothes on before we have a conversation, you git?"

"Why, you don't like my birthday suit?" James teasingly smirked at Elsie as he puffed his chest confidently.

Elsie playfully rolled her eyes behind her hands, still not daring to look at her naked best friend, and nervously chuckled, "I don't think my boyfriend would like it very much, James. So please, put some clothes on."

Hearing the mention of Benjy made James' fists slightly clench in anger. Benjy had no control over him, he was Elsie's best friend. And, there was no way in hell James was listening to him by staying away from Elsie. Instead, his eyes darkened and he slowly walked towards Elsie, wanting to mentally prove to himself that Benjy couldn't tell him what to do. When he reached her, he raised his hands up to her face and gently peeled her hands off of her eyes.

"I didn't ask about your boyfriend," James lowly let out, locking eyes with Elsie while bringing a hand up to her cheek softly, "I asked about you."

Elsie's cheeks grew bright red from embarrassment, not knowing what to do or say in the moment. All she knew was that she was happy with Benjy, and she wouldn't do anything to jeopardize that. Not after all he's done for her.

"James, I...Benjy," she found herself stuttering out, not being able to say anything else due to how close the naked boy was standing to her.

James' eyes darkened and his hold on her cheek tightened as he dipped his lips closer to hers, lowly growling, "Fuck, Benjy."

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