Chapter 78

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Elsie had to place a hand over her mouth to prevent a chuckle from slipping through her lips. She truly couldn't help herself, not when the boy sitting on the couch looked up at her as if she had three heads. One of his eyebrows were raised quizzically, his lips pointed in two different directions, and his mouth was dropped open slightly at the question she had just asked him.

"You want me to" Rory breathily responded as his eyes flickered from Elsie's amused face to the small one that rested in her arms.

Elsie rolled her eyes and snickered as his face somehow distorted even more, "Godric, Rory. It's been 4 months already and you still haven't held Harry."

"Well, it's not my fault he's so small. He's practically the size of one of those bloody pumpkin pasties," He pointed at her before licking his bottom lip and winking, "And you know very well that I have never have to deal with anything small, Princess."

"Oh, shut it!" Elsie giggled while walking over and forcibly placing Harry in Rory's arms, "There. Not so bad."

Rory's body stiffened as the 4 month old baby stretched his tiny arms into the air, looking down at him as if he were a foreign creature, "So...erm...this is Harry, huh?"

"My little Harry Regulus Potter," Elsie knelt down until she was eye-level with her baby and nuzzled her nose into his, a tiny giggle slipping from his lips, "Merlin, Rory. Ease up a bit, why don't you? You act like you've never met him before."

Rory's shoulders relaxed at the sight of Elsie with Harry and the crease between his eyebrows seamlessly slipped away, "I've never held him so close before...or at all."

Elsie stood up and ruffled his hair while sitting down next to him as James came down the stairs of the Potter household. Her lips curled into a smirk as she locked eyes with her husband, "Well, at least you didn't faint as the doctors were about to place him in your arms."

James pouted and crossed his arms over his chest, huffing and stomping his foot onto the ground, "I was overwhelmed with emotions!"

"Right," Elsie let out sarcastically, laughing at James at he walked over to where she was, "As if the pregnant girl who spent 8 hours trying to push him out wasn't."

"Yeah, yeah," James grumbled under his breath while leaning down and placing a soft kiss on Elsie's lips, "Good morning, my deepest desire."

"Aw, Potter, you flatter me. But maybe not right in front of Elsie, yeah?" Rory teasingly looked over at James and fluttered his eyelashes, the spectacled boy rolling his eyes in response.

James then bent down and ambushed little Harry with dozens of small kisses until the baby was giddy with laughter, "Good morning to you, too, my Prongslet."

Rory picked up Harry and held him out in front of him, tilting his head while furrowing his eyebrows. He glanced at Harry, then up to James, finished off by a longer gaze towards Elsie, "You're sure Harry is his? I rather think he looks more like Fenwick if you ask me."

Elsie immediately burst out into laughter as James narrowed his eyes and stomped off to the kitchen, growling out while doing so, "Watch it, McLaggen."

"Love you too, Potter," he shouted back at him as the kitchen door shut, once again leaving Rory and Elsie alone with Harry.

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