Chapter 65

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Three months had passed since the Marauders had left Hogwarts and Elsie's parents were still in hiding, and luckily for her the Potter's immediately took her in for the time being. Although she had her own room in their huge mansion, just as both Remus and Sirius also had, Elsie rarely slept in it. She much rather would prefer the company of the drooling boy whose body was currently intertwined with hers.

It was around 3am when Elsie woke up, hair messily splattered all over her face. She opened her eyes and brushed the hair aside quietly, not wanting to wake up the sleeping boy laying down next to her. Elsie had snuck into James' bed last night, seeing as all of the Marauders besides Peter were currently residing at the Potter's and neither of James' parents knew about her and James dating. It wasn't as if they were keeping it a secret or were scared to tell them, it was just that more important things were going on. Plus, neither of them wanted to risk the idea of not being allowed to sleep with each other at night.

She didn't know why she had oddly woke up in the middle of the night, but she felt as if something was off. Thinking it was just her being paranoid and sleep deprived, she decided to go down into the kitchen and make a cup of tea for herself. So, she slowly picked James' arm off of her waist and slipped out from under the covers.

"Mmm," the sudden warmth that disappeared from James' body caused him to stir in his sleep, "Come backkkk."

Elsie chuckled and bent down, kissing the boy on the cheek before whispering, "Just going for some tea, love. I'll be back soon."

"I'll miss you," he spoke in his sleep as he brought his blankets up to his chin and cuddled into Elsie's pillow, "I'll miss you so much."

"I'm sure you will," Elsie sarcastically responded to the sleep-talking boy and rolled her eyes playfully before quietly exiting the room.

She passed by Sirius' and Remus' respective rooms and walked towards the staircase that led to the kitchen, but stopped in her tracks when she heard an almost silent noise sniffle through the air. Elsie shook her head, thinking she was hearing things, but quickly turned around when a louder slamming noise echoed from one of the rooms she passed. She backtracked until she stopped in front of the door that the two sounds had slipped through, respectfully knocking on it to see if everything was okay.

Some shuffling was heard before the door slowly creaked open, revealing a red-eyed boy dipping his head down in embarrassment and starting to mumble while neglecting to look up at who it was, "Sorry if I woke you up, I was just-,"

"Remmy?" Elsie questioned in concern at the sight of the scar-faced boy in front of her.

Remus' head snapped up at the sound of her voice, giving her a better view of his face. He had wet tear marks stained down his cheeks, his eyes were red and swollen, and his hair looked as if he had been anxiously running his hand through it over and over again.

Wordlessly, she entered into his room and shut the door behind them, casting the Muffliato charm so no one would hear them.

Elsie walked over to him and placed a hand on the side of his face, wiping his tears while leading him over to his bed, "Remmy, what's wrong?"

He looked down at her with wide, pleading eyes and a slightly quivering lip, knowing that if he opened his mouth to speak he would let out an involuntary sob instead. Elsie knew this look all to well, having experienced the overwhelming fear way too many times for her liking. So rather than forcing him to talk, she simply sat him down on his bed and tucked his head onto her shoulder. Her arms found their way around his torso as his shakily gripped onto her waist. And suddenly, he found himself letting out everything. The tears, the anger, the fear. All of that came out right into the arms of the girl he loved more than anyone.

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