James stood there in total and complete silence watching his best friend run away from him. He had no idea what to say or do, all he knew was that her words were banging around in his head.
"...Knows how it feels like to love someone who will NEVER love them back,"
"Maybe if you weren't so fucking caught up with Lily"
"Are you fucking happy now?"
His mouth became dry as he frustratedly ran his hands through his hair. She's in love with someone? How didn't I know this? What did I do?
His thoughts were interrupted when he felt a warm substance trickling down his face. James lifted his hand up and wiped the wet tear off of his cheek, as another one slowly fell out of his other eye. Instead of stopping this one, he let it free fall out of his eye.
James knew he had messed up big time, he had never seen Elsie so genuinely mad at him before.Another tear slipped out as his anger at himself boiled inside of him. How could I do this to her? How could I be so selfish?
Every single one of his insecurities began flashing through his head again, reminding him of how he didn't deserve any of the love he had in his life. He never meant to hurt her, he was just trying to protect her. Keep her safe from anything and anyone that could hurt her. But, he had messed up. He messed up big time. Of course I did, I always mess everything up...
James began pacing up and down the corridor that a ghost of his crying best still lingered in. Why do I get like this with her? Even if I do simply have some feelings for her, why do I take it this far? I've never been like this with Lily...
The pacing boy was so worked up and so angry that he didn't notice the two figures heading towards him down the corridor.
"Mr. Potter, would you like to tell us why are are sulking alone in the corridors after hours," Professor McGonagall said with concern as she gave him a pointed look.
James looked down at the ground in shame with tears staining his cheeks, as he slowly moved his fist down to the side of his body.
"I messed up, Minnie," James shyly admitted while shuffling his feet in embarrassment.
"For Godric's sake, we know that. Professor Dumbledore and I heard the entire thing," she began saying while crossing her arms over her chest, "But, why are you here instead of chasing after her?"
"I hurt her...and she won't want to see me right now," James softly said while wiping his face to get rid of the tears spilling out of his eyes.
"Must I remind you that it is and will always be your duty to right your wrongs," McGonagall sternly said while placing a comforting hand of James' shoulder, "Before it is too late, Mr. Potter."
James looked up at his favorite teacher and suddenly realized everything she was trying to say. Elsie was his best friend, and even if she didn't want to see him right now, he had to apologize for what he did before he lost her for good. His eyes lit up with purpose as he grabbed Professor McGonagall's face and kissed her cheek suddenly.
"LOVE YOU, MINNIE," he shouted at her as he turned around and sprinted down the corridor in the direction of Gryffindor tower.

Losing Game/// James Potter
Fanfiction"You should tell him, you know," a familiar voice softly said from behind her. "I know you love him." "Remus," she began turning around to face her friend, "You know I can't do that. He's my best friend, and h-he's in love with his perfect Lily-flo...