The next few days after Lily's confession of liking James were hard for Elsie. She knew James was in love with Lily, and now the red-head liked him back. It was only a matter of time before Elsie's heart was completely crushed along with the hopes of ever having a future with James. They were best friends, and that's all they would ever be. She started distancing herself a little when Lily was around them in fear of hurting her friend's feelings. Elsie may have been in love with a James, but his heart belonged to Lily and she didn't want to do anything to jeopardize his chance with her.
So, instead of sitting next to James as she always did when the group of friends hung out in the Gryffindor common room, she found herself sharing an armchair with Remus. Elsie was sitting on his lap and laying her head on his chest while drooping her legs over the armrest of the chair. Remus had his cheek resting on the top of her head and his arms wrapped around her body, holding a book in front of the two. They quietly and comfortably read together as their friends all took up their own conversations.
James was sitting in his usual spot on the left end of the couch with a sinking feeling in his chest. Why isn't she sitting with me? We always sit together...
The spectacled boy was unknowingly staring at his two friends with a perplexed and hurt look on his face. Nobody had seemed to notice, not even Remus since he was too occupied with the small girl on his lap. However, one person did notice.
James' staring was interrupted when the couch he was sitting on dipped due to someone sitting next to him. The boy had hopped over the back of the couch and occupied the seat in between James and Sirius while swooping an arm behind both of their shoulders, catching the attention of everyone else sitting around him.
With a smirk, the boy slyly quipped, "Nice of you to save me a seat, Potter."
Both Sirius' and James' fists clenched and they menacingly glared at who was sitting next to them.
"McLaggen, what the fuck do you think you're doing?" James seethed while narrowing his eyes threateningly at the boy. At the same time Sirius forcibly grabbed Rory's arm that was behind him and threw it back onto his lap.
"I can see why none of you were put into Hufflepuff," Rory scoffed while smugly smiling at the two angry boys. He ignored the question posed and looked directly at Elsie while removing his other arm from around James and placing it on his lap.
"Hey, Princess," he grinned at the girl he had grown immensely close to both mentally and physically over these past few months.
"Hey, Rory. Is everything okay?" Elsie asked softly from Remus' lap, returning the smile to McLaggen.
"Of course, I was just wondering if you wanted to...," he trailed off while shifting his gaze towards James, locking eyes with him and smirking before continuing, "Hang out soon."
James' jaw locked in anger, knowing exactly what he meant by "hanging out." The look that Rory gave him said it all, he wanted to hook up with Elsie again. James didn't want him anywhere near Elsie, not after what happened last time he saw them two together. He started to become enraged as the memory of Elsie moving up and down on Rory's dick flashed through his mind, letting her sweet moans replay over and over again in his head.
With that in mind, his hands rolled into fists again as he gritted his teeth and seethed out, "No."
"I don't recall asking you for permission, Potter," McLaggen teasingly said to the boy, while looking back over at Elsie.
James stood up in anger and towered over the sitting boy in front of him, "Fuck off, McLaggen."
McLaggen simply laughed at the seething boy and stood up. He patted him on the chest and chuckled out, "Don't work yourself up, big boy."

Losing Game/// James Potter
Fiksi Penggemar"You should tell him, you know," a familiar voice softly said from behind her. "I know you love him." "Remus," she began turning around to face her friend, "You know I can't do that. He's my best friend, and h-he's in love with his perfect Lily-flo...