Elsie and Sirius walked into Dumbledore's office quietly, listening to the conversation being had by the headmaster and Professor McGonagall.
"Albus, they are too young to get involved in this. All three of them are just kids!" The woman sternly spoke out while pointing at the older man in front of her.
"This is just as much their fight as it is ours, Minerva. I greatly trust in who I have chosen to be here and believe they would be more than willing to place their loyalty in the right hands," Dumbledore calmly answered the frustrated woman before looking over towards the two students who just walked in, "Come in, sit down."
Elsie and Sirius looked at each other curiously before following their headmaster's instructions. There were three chairs placed in front of his desk. Sirius took the leftmost one while Elsie sat down directly next to him, wondering who the third chair was for.
"We are waiting on one more person and then I must talk about something deeply important to me with you two," Dumbledore explained to his students as McGonagall crossed her arms in annoyance and begrudgingly stayed quiet.
As if on cue, the door to his office had opened and a boy had hesitantly walked in, "Professor Dumbledore, you wanted to speak with me?"
"Yes, Mr. Fenwick. Please, have a seat," the headmaster said while gesturing to the open seat next to Elsie.
As the boy made his way to the seat, he glanced over at Elsie and sent a friendly smile. Elsie returned the gesture while studying the boy next to her. He was tall with olive skin and perfectly curly brown hair that flopped off of his forehead. She could tell right away that the boy was built, yet not overly muscular. His jawline was sharp, but his facial features were soft and inviting. Quite handsome if you ask me...
Elsie's thoughts were interrupted when she felt an elbow nudge her side. She looked over to a smirking Sirius as he mouthed to her, "Stop drooling."
She playfully rolled her eyes as Dumbledore began speaking from in front of the three, "Thank you for coming, I have a very important question to ask of you three."
He paused when McGonagall grumbled under her breath, "They're just kids."
Elsie looked up at the headmaster with a raised eyebrow as he started to explain himself, "As you all know, dark times are upon us. Attacks have become more frequent and a dark wizard known as Voldemort has managed to grow an army, the Death Eaters."
He stood up and began pacing the floor of his office while continuing, "Voldemort has his Death Eaters, and in retaliation, I have started an organization to shed light unto the dark times ahead. I have been gathering trustworthy people to start fighting back."
Sirius reached over and grabbed Elsie's hand at the next words that came out of Dumbledore's mouth, "A war is upon us, and unfortunately, we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy. It would be a honor to have you three join my cause, to join the Order of the Phoenix."
"You want us to fight with you?" The unfamiliar boy asked curiously from his seat, "Why us? Why me?"
"Well, Mr. Fenwick, you were one of the top in your class and I know exactly where your loyalty lies. You took in a family you were not acquainted with because they were left homeless by the Death Easters. Isn't that right?" Dumbledore spoke out confident in his choice of people he had in front of him.
The boy nodded his head as he began pondering the offer Dumbledore had given them. Next to speak was Elsie.
"And, why us?" Elsie asked while gesturing between her and Sirius.

Losing Game/// James Potter
Fanfiction"You should tell him, you know," a familiar voice softly said from behind her. "I know you love him." "Remus," she began turning around to face her friend, "You know I can't do that. He's my best friend, and h-he's in love with his perfect Lily-flo...