Chapter 70

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HOMOPHOBIA WARNING: Proceed with caution...

As weeks passed, Elsie had been making sure to keep an eye on Sirius ever since the incident with Remus. The Potter household had been more tense than ever with the two boys constantly trying to avoid each other, especially since Sirius insisted on dramatically storming out of the room whenever Remus walked in. It was sad seeing the boy she knew had the biggest heart inside of him cower away from one of his best friends, even more so when seeing Remus' face drop every time Sirius walked away from him. It was as if she had to watch Remus' heart break over and over again, and Elsie decided that enough was enough.

James, Remus, and Peter were all on a mission today, along with Frank, leaving Elsie and Sirius to do whatever they please. And instead of letting him stay home and mope around all day, Elsie dragged the long-haired boy over to Alice's house, where the girls would be hanging out today.

"Godric, I've missed you all so much," Alice chriped while pulling Lily, Marlene, and Elsie in for a hug as soon as they all arrived, "It's been forever since we could properly hang out."

Sirius, who was plopped down on the couch, rolled his eyes and muttered, "You just saw each other last meeting."

The girls snapped their heads in the direction of the grumpy boy as Marlene narrowed her eyes at him, "We're at war, Black. Let us be happy to see our friends while we can, yeah?"

Sirius crossed his arms over his chest and looked down at his lap as Elsie gave him a pointed look, apologizing to the girls while doing so, "Sorry, he's just been a little grumpy lately.

"What's got your knickers in a twist?" Marlene sassily spoke as she sat down on the same couch as him, Elsie sitting in between the two.

The moody boy was about to answer when a gasp sounded from Lily's mouth and she jumped her way over to Alice, pointing to the shiny ring on her finger, "Alice, what's that?"

She grabbed Alice's hand and held it up for everyone to see, a blush forming on Alice's face while doing so, "Oh...erm...that's actually why I've invited you all here."

Elsie and Marlene shot each other a look before shooting out of their seats and rushing over to the blushing brunette.

"You're bloody engaged!" Elsie said in awe while admiring the ring on her hand, squeezing Alice into a hug while doing so.

"Well, actually," Alice trailed off, nervously twirling a strand of her hair as she avoided eye contact with her friends, "W-we got married already."

"YOU GOT MARRIED WITHOUT TELLING US," all three girls shouted at once towards their friend.

The wedded woman's cheeks tinted pink in embarrassment as she explained herself, "It's just that both of our parents are getting older and the war is getting worse. We just wanted to be together as fast as we could. It was just our parents there. I'm so sorry we didn't invite you-,"

"Alice," Lily cut off the nervous girl by placing a hand on her shoulder and pulling her into a hug, "We get it and we are so happy for you."

Elsie joined in on the embrace and squeezed her two friends tightly, "You and Frank deserve all the happiness in the world. We love you, Al."

Marlene was the last one to wrap her arms around her friends, the group of girls tightly woven together wordlessly for a moment. It was times like these that Elsie realized she didn't need anything more from life than she already had. She had enough love to last her all of eternity.

"Can't believe Frankie actually had the bloody bollocks to do it," Sirius chuckled to himself from the couch, the girls exiting the embrace as he did.

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