James scratched the back of his neck as he anxiously walked through the kitchen door, knowing exactly what he needed to do. This decision was even more solidified as he watched Dumbledore and Molly knit Rory's wounds back together with the counter-spell, the hurt boy grunting in pain while doing so.
When he walked into the kitchen, he saw Benjy sitting at the table running his hands through his hair in frustration.
"Fenwick, we need to talk," James sighed out, disappointed in himself for the way he's been acting lately.
Benjy's face snapped up at the sound of a voice, his expression dropping at seeing who it is, "Don't you think we've already caused enough damage today, Potter?"
James nodded solemnly, but still proceeded to walk over and sit next to the boy he's been butting heads with, "That's why I think we need to talk."
"Right," Benjy looked down at the table and agreed, anxiously fidgeting with his own fingers, "Well I guess-,"
"No," James cut him off assertively, fixing the glasses on his face while sighing, "I...erm...well, fuck...It's just that...,"
He trailed off while trying to find the right words to say. Benjy was about to open his mouth again to speak when James took a deep breath and let it all out, "I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry for punching you back at Hogwarts, I'm sorry for telling you I was in love with her, I'm sorry for interfering with you two, I'm sorry for starting bloody arguments every day, I'm just sorry."
The older boy looked up in shock, yet continued to stare at James wearily, "You don't have to lie, we could just agree to disagree. I'd rather that then-,"
"It's not a lie," James cut him off again by blurting out, placing his arms on his knees as he faced Benjy and continued, "It's not a lie. Listen, I may not like you because you just so happened to swoop in once I finally figured out my own feelings, or because of how you left Elsie...or-,"
"Alright, I get it we don't like each other. Your point?" Benjy spoke out before James got too carried away.
"My point," the spectacled boy responded, placing an emphasis on the first two words he said, "is that even though I may not like you, you made Elsie happy for a long time. You treated her well when I was b-being a git. And I promise, nothing happened between us while you were together. I'm no homewrecker, Fenwick. She loved you. So I may not like you, but I do respect you."
The two boys looked at each other in understanding, Elsie being the glue holding them together as they did so. Benjy remained quiet for a while, contemplating the words James had said. The spectacled boy stood up and began walking towards the door, taking Benjy's silence as a rejection to what he said. But, he did his part. He said what he needed to say, so he began to leave.
"Oi, Potter," James turned around when he heard the boy finally speak after a few moments of silence. Benjy was standing right behind James with an pensive expression before hesitatingly letting out, "I may not like you either, but I do appreciate that. A-and, I apologize as well."
Benjy stood there rocking back and forth on his feet as James nodded his head in acknowledgement. The older boy slowly reached out his hand to James, "Truce?"
James looked down at the hand in front of him, not necessarily wanting to shake his hand as if they were friends now. But, he had to do it for the sake of the Order. He had to do it for the sake of Rory, who had to deal with the repercussions of their disagreements. And most of all, he had to do it for the sake of Elsie. She meant more than anything to him, and he hated seeing the way she looked at him with hurt in her eyes. He had to do this to show Elsie he can be better. He will be better. For you, Els...

Losing Game/// James Potter
Fanfiction"You should tell him, you know," a familiar voice softly said from behind her. "I know you love him." "Remus," she began turning around to face her friend, "You know I can't do that. He's my best friend, and h-he's in love with his perfect Lily-flo...