Chapter 48

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It was a Monday morning and Elsie found herself walking towards the Library to meet up with Rory, something that deeply confused her because she knew he never liked spending time in there. She slowly entered the practically empty room, but stopped in the doorway after noticing something peculiar.

Rory was sat a table directly in the middle of an aisle with a book in his hand and his back facing the doorway, but as Elsie studied the scene more she realized that something was off. The book was upside down in the boy's hand and Rory's gaze was fixed on something just passed the book. She followed his longing stare all the way across the room until it landed on a certain blonde-haired Hufflepuff.

Elsie carefully walked up to McLaggen without making a sound, a knowing smirk plastered on her face. As soon as she was right behind him, she brought her face close to the back of his head and whispered, "You know, if you're trying to pretend like you're not staring at her then you may want to make sure your book is facing the right way."

Rory jumped up in fright at the voice coming from behind him as Elsie laughed her way into the seat next to him.

"Bloody fuck, Els. You're going to give me a heart attack," he breathed out while scrambling with red cheeks to turn his book around, "And I wasn't staring."

"Sureeee," she giggled while reaching over to place a hand on his shoulder, sarcastically speaking out, "And I'm not a witch."

He rolled his eyes as a small smile came onto his face, his eyes flickering back to the other side of the room.

"That's her isn't it? The girl who's having your baby..." Elsie questioned quietly so the two didn't draw any attention to themselves.

Rory sighed and put the book down in front of him, knowing Elsie wasn't going to drop this until he spoke to her about it.

"Yeah, that's Elizabeth," he sent Elsie a sad smile, begrudgingly removing his gaze from the Hufflepuff.

While Rory stared off, Elsie was curiously looking at him. His green irises were barely visible because of his dilated pupils, a look of admiration topping off his eyes. His cheek dimples deepened at the genuine smile dancing on his face. A quiet gasp shot out of Elsie's mouth at the realization she had just made. Rory McLaggen actually caught feelings for someone...

Taking advantage of the trance-like state Rory was in, Elsie began shooting him questions with a teasing smirk on her face.

"She's pretty, don't you think?" She leaned back in her chair as a smug expression took over her, a trait she had adapted from Sirius teasing her all the time.

"Beautiful," Rory breathed out, not breaking out of the trance he was in.

"She's nice?" She continued teasing the unknowing boy.

"Has the biggest heart I know," he spoke again, his gaze still focused on somewhere across the room.

"And, you like her?" Elsie asked one last question to the smitten boy.

"Love," but this time when he spoke he was looking at Elsie, eyes focused on her. And he looked so sad, so longing, so pleading, as if he were silently crying out for help. But help never came, and he realized he was still staring. His cheeks flushed red and he shook his head, a stoic chuckle echoing out from his lips.

"It's okay to have feelings for her, Rory," Elsie softly reached over to grab his hand reassuringly.

"Fuck," he frustratedly muttered while running his hands through his hair, "No, I can't like her."

"And why not?" The brunette asked with a caring expression on her face.

"Because," he began answering, his voice low and controlled and still so sad, "I'm the bloody wanker that knocked her up, I-,"

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