Marlene looked around the circle at everyone who sat there so nonchalantly thinking that she and Sirius would snog, but she had other plans. How could I make him regret giving me this dare? How can I make THE Sirius Black jealous?
She locked eyes with one of her best friends from across the circle, a knowing look forming on her face. Bingo.
Elsie was innocently sitting there wondering why Marlene hadn't kissed Sirius yet. It was obvious that he only asked the question to get Marlene to kiss him, and Marlene clearly had a thing for the boy she knew so well. Then, she noticed that Marlene was looking straight at her, a hidden smirk taunting her lips. That's when Elsie realized that Marlene didn't want to go for the obvious choice. Marlene wanted to play hard to get. Understanding why her blonde friend was staring at her, Elsie nodded her head yes in approval ever so slightly, so that no one else noticed, while mouthing,
He wants a kiss, then let's give him one.
At that exact moment, Marlene walked past Sirius and smashed her lips onto Elsie's. They moved their lips together in a wild rhythm as Marlene climbed onto Elsie's lap, causing the brunette to grip onto Marlene's thighs. With ragged breaths, they sloppily threw a string of kisses together. The two girls lasted a moment longer, before separating themselves from each other and hysterically breaking out into a fit of laughter.
When they looked around at the group, they saw a series of mouths dropped open and hands placed over their lips in a shocked manner, causing both girls to laugh even harder.
"Oh my-," James sentence was overlapped by Sirius', "Fuck."
As the group copied the two girl's actions and broke out into a round of laughter, Sirius' mouth remained open. His eyes were glued onto Marlene with a look of admiration floating around in them.
"You're drooling, Pads," Elsie privately teased while standing up and walking passed a pouting Sirius. She began picking up the bottles of firewhiskey that were now opened and half empty, and began to put them away. Everyone helped her clean up the room, before deciding on the sleeping arrangement.
Frank said that he had an extra bed in his room since one of his roommates graduated the year prior, and respectfully offered Alice the spot. She agreed with blushing cheeks, and walked out of the room hand-in-hand with the boy.
Sirius walked up to Marlene and began smirking, "You know McKinnon, I was going to offer you to share my bed with me, but after that stunt maybe I'll just leave it for you and Els."
"Oh, shut it, Black!" She chuckled while walking over to Sirius' bed, "Hurry up and get in bed with me before I change my mind. OH! And I swear on Godric Gryffindor that if your hands begin lingering at all-,"
"Relax, McKinnon. I'm not a pig, I would never touch you without consent," Sirius defensively stated as he slid under the covers next to her.
"You may not be a pig, but you sure are a dog," Remus jokingly mumbled, earning a round of chuckles from both Elsie and James.
Elsie looked around at the three remaining beds that had to be split among herself, Lily, James, Remus, and Peter. One of them being Peter's, one being Remus', and one being James' old bed. She began biting her bottom lip nervously, knowing very well what was about to take place. In reality, the beds were too small for any of the boys to share with each other, meaning that Lily and Elsie had to sleep with one of the boys. She looked at James and noticed that he had the same thought in mind, seeing as he began scratching the back of his neck and shuffling his feet nervously.

Losing Game/// James Potter
Fanfiction"You should tell him, you know," a familiar voice softly said from behind her. "I know you love him." "Remus," she began turning around to face her friend, "You know I can't do that. He's my best friend, and h-he's in love with his perfect Lily-flo...