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Hey angels!!! I have a super important message on the bottom of this post so if you could just hold on tight until you get to it I'd greatly appreciate it:)

Firstly, you guys have inspired me so much and encouraged my writing soooo...


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Waldosia// George Weasley:

The war had changed everyone, for better or for worse. But for George Weasley, it hadn't just changed him. It left him half-hearted, feeling empty without his twin brother by his side. And even though Fred was the one who died, it was George who stopped living from that day on. He had slowly slipped away from himself, the goofy boy everyone used to know was now gone, making the Weasley family suffer the loss of two sons rather than one.

Everywhere he went he felt the pang of an empty hole in his heart, the one that was only meant for Fred to ever fill. It was like he completely lost himself the day he lost his brother, not even being able to go in public without thinking about what Fred would say or what Fred would do. He looked for his twin brother, his other half, his familial soulmate each and every time he entered a crowd, hoping that by some miracle he would find him; That the war had never happened and was just a nightmare, that Fred had never died.

But one day, as his mind subconsciously looked about for Fred, he stumbled into someone that turned his entire life around. He stumbled right into the arms of Clover, a girl who if anyone understood the pain George was going through it would be her. Because, George wasn't the only one who had lost his everything that day...

And while George finds solace in Fred's ex-lover, Angelina Johnson, Clover, a mysteriously captivating girl, enters his life and makes him rethink everything. Stay tuned and join Clover's and George's journey through recovery, the troubles of love, but most importantly, life.
Okay, now it's time for the super important message. I know it's kinda long but please bare with me...

In the fall of 2020 I went away to college for the first time, so excited and so ready to get out of my house. But as soon as I got there, everything went to shit. I was having anxiety attacks every day, I wasn't eating, I was barely sleeping, and I ended up absolutely hating where I was. Even after I went home for the semester, I felt like I was being eaten alive by my own panic. My mental health dipped down immensely and I found myself in a pit of anxiety that I just couldn't get out of.
And then, I found the world of Harry Potter...I found a whole universe of outcasts and magic and people just like me. As crazy as it sounds, these characters taught me more about myself in a few months than I have over the 19 years of me living, especially the Marauders.
Who knew that a messy haired, glasses wearing goofball would show me what it means to love with all of your heart. To fiercely stand by friends even in their darkest of days. To fight for love even at the foot of death.
Who knew that a scarred, sarcastic werewolf would show me that it's okay to be a little different than everyone. That it's okay to rely on the people around you even when the world has turned its back on you. That it's okay if you're not perfect, because one day you're gonna meet a group of people that would love and die for you.
Who knew that a long-haired, rebellious boy would show me exactly what it means to have a family. That not all family is found by blood, but rather the people who stick by your side every single day. That those very people are the reason to wake up every morning and fight for what you want, to make them proud, to make yourself proud.
Who knew that a short, anxious boy would show me how life would be living in constant fear. He shows me exactly what life would be like if I gave into my anxiety, if I didn't fight to keep myself healthy. And that maybe reaching out for help should always be the better option than simply living in fear of my own head.
And then there's Elsie, my Elsie, our Elsie. The girl who I unknowingly based off of the best and worst qualities of myself. Someone who's good and sees the best in everyone, even when she shouldn't. Someone who is walked all over, but wouldn't have it any other way if it meant everyone else in her life is happy. Someone who loves, even when everything and everyone is telling her not too. And the fact that so many of you like her shows me that I'm not alone, that us dreamers and lovers will always find each other.
I started writing as a coping method, a way to escape the misery that I considered my own life. I can not stress this enough, but I only did it for the fun of it. And then you all started pouring in with an immense amount of love and encouragement, and I can truly say that that's exactly what saved me from the darkness I was in. You guys pulled me out of the pit of anxiety and showed me that theres more to life than what I thought was waiting for me. I changed my major from health science to English, I started reading, I started writing, and I honestly began to start falling back in love with life again. And a large part of that is because of you all.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, thank you. Thank you for seeing my flaws, yet accepting me into this universe anyways. Thank you for being patient with my new found love for writing and reading this despite of all the imperfections. Thank you for all the support, love, encouragement, acceptance, non-toxicity. Thank you, and I hope from the bottom of my heart that all of you have taken something out of this story besides from just a good story.

I love you all to the stars and beyond, xoxo...

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