Chapter 6

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"By the way, I'm Teed."

"Thank you, Mr. Teed. I respect you for saving a random adult you found in this random lane. You're an angel."

Team got up straight as he handed the empty bottle to the brunette. Team still felt pain, but he was definitely better than before. He extended his hand towards the brunette and he looked at Team with a confused expression.

"Never mind. Anyway, thank you for your help." He said as he turned his back towards the brunette boy and was about to walk away when the brunette grabbed his arm again.

"Listen. Buddy. I know my hands are soft as heck, but can you not grab my arm every second?" Team sighed as the brunette jerked his hand off again.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't do it on purpose!" Team shook his head, not having it in him to argue with the boy.

He looked at the boy, but his features were not visible because of the absence of lighting in the lane.

"I don't think you should walk away like this. You should take some medication or maybe go to the hospital. You stay here while I go buy some medication from the nearby store. It is 2 mins away! Wait here!" He said as he didn't even wait for Team to respond and ran away in the opposite direction.

Team had already accepted something from an unknown stranger. The guy seemed like a friendly person and was only trying to help Team, but Team couldn't help being sceptical of the guy. He didn't trust people easily, and he definitely wasn't going to accept medication from a total stranger.

Team had made up his mind. Clutching his stomach, he started walking again while leaning on the wall, slowly making his way towards the end of the lane.

"I brought it! Here- Where is he?" The brunette looked around to find the black-haired boy but he couldn't find him. A few seconds later, he saw someone taking a turn by the end of the lane.

'It's him!' The brunette thought.

"Hey! Excuse me!!!" He tried to call out the black-haired stranger, but he was already far away.

He glanced at the medication in his hands. "But I didn't even catch your name." He mumbled as he put the pills in his pocket and walked away in the opposite direction, kicking a stone as he moved.

'I hope he'll be fine.'





"He has great visuals. He could be a dominant model if he wants. Working with him might be interesting. I just hope he is not as annoying as Chubbs. If it wasn't for Sunan, I wouldn't have to deal with that kid."

Win had decided to walk home today because he did not have to pick up his brother as it was a weekend. He finally had some time for himself. He was free for.... an hour, but it didn't matter. He could now enjo-

Or maybe not.

His eyes widened and his jaw dropped as he saw a certain someone leaning on the wall.

'Chubbs!' Win would've had ignored the black-haired boy and walked away if the boy didn't look like he was going to die soon. He couldn't see the boy's face, but the boy was clutching his stomach so tightly, as if he couldn't handle it anymore.

And what the heck was he doing here? His dorm is on the edge of the 7th lane, then why is wandering on 2nd one? Win had memorised all the lanes here by numbering them.

Team was exhausted from all the walking he did, but he still had no clue where he was.

'This is just great! How can this day be any worse?' Team thought.

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