Chapter 3

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"Mom, I reached my dorm room."

"That's great. Say Hi to your uncle for me." Wait, what uncle?

Team cursed as soon as he realised that his uncle was supposed to pick him up but he was too angry at someone that he found himself a taxi straight to his dorms.

"Mom, I think uncle might..... still be standing at the ...... airport." He said as he explained everything to his mom, leaving the 'blonde' part out.

"Oh, boy. It's ok. I'll tell your uncle you have reached safely. I'll give you his number. Apologize to him about what happened, ok?" She calmly said and cut the call.

He knew a little about his uncle. He just knew that when he was a teenager, he left his house to move into the city. In all the stories he heard from his mom and grandma suggested that he was a rebel, that's why he left his house at an early age. He now owns a restaurant.

And that's all he knew about his uncle.

"Ah. Damn." He dumped himself on his dorm bed as soon as he finished unpacking. He looked around his room. The only thing pretty about his room was his led lights hanging above his plain white bed on the pale white walls.

As soon as he closed his eyes, he remembered about what the blonde said.

'Maybe stop making assumptions about people. It may hurt someone.'

'Let's hope we don't meet again.'

"Ugh! Stupid!" He groaned as the blonde came into his mind for the 4th time since he left the airport. Was he really that quick to make assumptions? He didn't like it when someone else made assumptions about him. Why wouldn't anyone else? 

'Is he an orphan? I have never seen his parents.'

'I heard his dad is an alcoholic.'

'Does he think that he is above all of us? Look at his attitude!'


He picked up his new phone and saw a notification pop up.

Mom: Did you settle in properly? And this is Sunan's* number- xxxxxxxxxx. Make sure you talk to him. He will get you used to the city. Be safe. (*His uncle)

He saved the number and sighed, shutting his phone off.

"Grandma, I miss you." He closed his eyes and this time he actually fell asleep.

"Win! What the hell did you do to the shirt! It was from our sponsors!" The boss yelled as soon as Win entered the studio.

"Listen. I have an explanation." The bald boss stood there, crossing his arms on his chest, waiting for an answer.

"You know what, it is my fault. Yell at me. Or cut it from my pay." The boss sighed. "You know I'll not do that. How did this happen?"

"I... spilled...... coffee on myself?" Win gave his boss an awkward smile as he ran his fingers through his golden blonde hair.

"I shouldn't have asked. As punishment, let's do another shoot." Win groaned. He worked for a small modelling company. The modelling company wasn't as famous as it was started almost a year ago, with only a few models. So, that meant more work.

"Come on, boss. You called me twice this week! You gotta pay me more."


Win grinned widely as he picked up another outfit from the rack. After dressing, Win stood in front of the camera, midst the huge fancy lights.

He was standing with his right leg in the front of him and his left hand inside the pocket of his grey pants. He used his right hand to lift his khaki jacket up to his nose, covering most of his face except his eyes. His eyes staring at the ground. His dishevelled blonde hair making his flawless skin stand out even more.

"Done! Great! That's a wrap! ... Good job. How do you look outstanding even without showing your face?" Modelling was not a simple job even when Win didn't show his face.

He smirked. "My natural beauty and my talents are just mind-blowing. What can I say?"

"I can never compliment you. Anyway, are you free now? I wanted you to me-"

Win glanced at the watch on his wrist and looked at the senior again. "Nope. Maybe next time." He ran off before the senior could finish his sentence.

"To.. meet... your... new partner?"

"At least return the clothes back!"

"Ma! Can I come back to you? I miss you....." Team said as he talked to grandma for the first time after arriving in the city.

"Boy, stop being such a baby. You are a grown adult now. Do you want to stay clinging to me all the time, eh?" Team chuckled. "Yes!"

"Did you meet Sunan yet?"

"Nope. I was thinking of meeting him tomorrow. Our school starts on Monday. So, I have two days to myself." He explained.

"Take your time. Make sure you make a lot of friends. Don't just stay cooped into your room." Her voice laced with worry.

"Of course, Ma! And just don't forget to take your meds because I'm not there. You took your meds today, right?" Team smiled, already knowing the answer.

"Me? Psssh. Of course!" He chuckled. "Please take your meds. Now."

"Ya. Ya. I'll hang up now. Take care of yourself. For me. Or at least find someone who will take care of you." Team sadly smiled. He just wanted to run into his grandma's arms again.

Team was not good with people since he was a child. How could he so easily find someone who is willing to stay with him and take care of him?

"I will."

"I'll hang up then. I love you."

"I love you too." He said as he cut the call.


Uncle: Team, could you come by the restaurant in the evening? I'm going out tomorrow for work so, I wouldn't be able to make it tomorrow. Is it okay with you meeting me today?

Team: Of course not, uncle! Just text me the address and I'll be there!

Uncle: Oh, thank you. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

Team: Of course not. You are the one helping me.

Uncle: This is the address. *Insert address*. Would you be able to get here or should I send someone?

Team: No, it is fine with me. I'll be there at 5.

"Sir! I got your text! I'm sorry I'm late!"

"Win, it is the second time this week." Win scratched his head while smiling apologetically.

"I had to go to the studio.... again." The owner of the restaurant sighed. He was not angry, it worried him.

"How many jobs are going to do? Don't you have to study?" He looked at Win with pity in his eyes.

"I'm fine! I'm pretty smart, anyway." Win awkwardly chuckled.

"Also, didn't you wear something else while going to the airport?" He gestured at the lime green shirt, which was a sky blue one this morning.

"I... spilled... coffee on.... myself?"

The owner just shook his head.

"Anyway, I wanted you to meet someone today."

Hey guys! That's all I had for you guys today! I hope you like it! Vote for this part! I tried to make this part longer than usual. So, tell me your thoughts?

Also, what are feelings about Win and Team?????

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