Chapter 5

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"I just don't want to get bullied." Was whispered so softly that no one could've heard it, but Win did.

Win froze in his place, not knowing what to say. Team looked like he regretted what he had just said so, Win pretended that he did not hear it.

Yes, Win was an asshole, and a huge one, but he wasn't heartless. He had a brother too, and he would go out his way to make sure that he's never bullied.

"Huh?" Win pretended.

"Nothing! I was joking before. You don't have to 'take care' of me. You can ignore me all you want; I won't say a word to uncle." He smiled at Win, but his eyes betrayed him and showed an emotion Win hated the most.


He was pitying himself.

Team got up and was about to walk away when a hand grabbed his arm and made him sit in his place. Team's eyes widened as he sat down.

"Are you just going to waste all this food? Do you know how many people have to reserve a table week in advance, just to have a bite of this?" He said as he picked up one of the chicken wings and started chewing on it.

"Hey! That's mine!" Team glared as he swooped up the plate in his hands and possessively protected it like a wolf protecting her pups. Win smirked. It worked.

He knew that he would get a reaction out of Team from the way Team had stared at his food when he walked towards the table and Uncle Sunan may or may not have talked about team for over 2 hours.

Team seemed to have forgotten about what he had said because what he was feeling now was annoyance that someone touched his food. Team never shared his food. Ever.

Win grinned. "Just a few seconds ago, you didn't want this." He said as he tried to snatch another wing from the plate but his hand got slapped off.

"Now I do. So leave." Win sneakily took one of the spice mix packets and added it to the already hot wings.

"Hey!" Win laughed as he got off from his seat.

Win ruffled Team's hair. "See you on Monday, Chubbs!" He chuckled as he walked away.

Now Team had a nickname, and he hated it. 

"'See you on Monday?' My classes start that day. Does that mean-? Nope. He said he wanted us both to ignore each other. Maybe he means that we will meet when I go to the restaurant on Monday? Ugh! Why is he so irritating?!" Team pulled at his hair while he was lying on his single bed with the annoying blonde boy accompanying his thoughts again.

"Ugh! I don't care!" He said as he got up from his bed and walked into his bathroom to take a shower. He was planning to explore his neighbourhood today, maybe, go to nearby restaurants and parks. He couldn't go to bars yet because he needed to be 20 for that.




"The street food might be nice here." Team mumbled as he saw the reviews of the street food in his neighbourhood. Just 2 minutes from his dorm, there was a lane famous for its amazing street food.

This was going to be Team's best day and he knew it. Team has always been fond of street food more than anyone, just like his uncle.

Team ran towards the stall selling 'Pad thai goong sood' (a mixture of pork, tofu, sprouts, prawns in sen jan (flat noodles) with a lot of added spices and chillies). This was always his favourite and he remembered stuffing himself with 4-5 plates of this as a child with his uncle, which always resulted in him having a bad stomach-ache.

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