Chapter 10

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"You've got to be kidding me."

Team didn't dare to look up as he knew he caused trouble once again. He seriously needed some help with his clumsiness. He kept his head down and apologized multiple times.

'Why am I like this?!'

"Ugh. I hate first years." She spoke. But her voice didn't sound angry at all. It rather sounded bored.

"I'm sorry, P!" (Phi is the respectful and right word to address someone older than you in Thailand)

Someone beside her laughed and this time, Team looked up. He saw two seniors- a girl and a guy- standing in front of him. The girl was beautiful with her flowy brown hair and her pretty face. She rolled her eyes at the guy standing beside her.

"Come on." The guy laughed. "We were freshmen too." The guy looked at Team with an amusing smile on his face. The guy was also really hot too.

'Whenever I cause a trouble, why does a hot person have to be involved? Why can't I meet a good-looking person normally?' He thought.

"I hated it then too, because I met you that day. Worst day of my life." The guy just threw his head back and laughed. The girl's bored look went away as a smile broke on her face while she was looking in the laughing guy's direction.

'Wow. Are they dating? Must be nice.' Team thought as he smiled a little, forgetting the situation he was in.

The girl put on her bitter face again as soon as the boy stopped laughing and looked at her. She quickly turned towards Team.

"And you- Wow. You're hot." Team scrunched his face in disbelief as he stared at the girl. The guy beside her sighed and shook his head.

"Huh?" Team said.

"Don't mind her. She has a little problem of being too straightforward." The guy smiled at Team as he grabbed the girl's shoulder and pushed her to walk forward.

As they passed by Team, he spoke again. "I'm sorry, mam!"


"Hey. Don't be rude!" The guy hit her on her shoulder. "No problem, bro." He looked in Team's way and smiled as he continued pushing the girl forward.

"And what were you saying? Worst day of your life, huh?" Team could hear the whispers of the couple as they walked away.

"Yes. I met that other idiot too! My life has been ruined since then."

"OH, really?" He said as he started tickling the girl in the middle of the cafeteria, without caring about a single soul.

"You asshole!" She yelled as she ran to catch up with the senior who had already escaped.

"Huh. I wish I could be like that with someone too." Team smiled softly.




"You did what?!" Teed broke into fits of laughter. "Two minutes, Team. Two minutes. And you made a bad impression not on one but two seniors? I have seen in dramas that seniors can make your life a living hell. What if it turns out to be true?"

"It is true sometimes but I told you, they didn't seem like bad people!" Team whined and Atid laughed.

"Don't worry. I'll protect you either way!" He raised his fist and got up from his chair.

"Sit down. No need to get all superhero mode." Team laughed but he was very happy. For the first time in his life, he found a friend who he wanted to trust and support. He knew it was too quick to think that way but he couldn't help but feel happy.

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