Chapter 19

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"Earth to Team?" Dana, Team's classmate and friend, nudged Team.

Team came back to his senses and stared at her.

"You've been like this all morning."

He was indeed, distracted. Very distracted by thoughts about someone. Not romantic, but in a worrisome way. From all that happened yesterday, Team knew more things about Win than he ever did.

1) Win works three jobs. Third job still unknown to Team.

2) He lives alone with his brother Dew.

3) Win is a really great brother.

4) But the only thing he doesn't know about his brother is that he is being bullied.

5) If he knows, it will break his heart.

And yes, Team didn't like Win very much from the start but he could not deny the fact that Win was literally the first person he had a real conversation with when he arrived at this city (except, ofcourse, the flight attendant and the airport staff). Win was the first person to befriend him. No matter how much Team tried to hate Win, he couldn't. Win helped him more times than he could remember.

And now he was in this mess. Whether or not to tell Win about his brother. He knew Win deserves to know what was happening, but he promised Dew that he could trust him. He didn't want to betray the young boy. Team knew a thing or two about betrayals himself.



"What is wrong with you? You are not listening to anything mam is saying. It's not like anyone does but this is not like you. Are you sure you're okay? Should I call Teed? He told me to keep an eye on you." She said.

"Why would he tell you to keep an eye on me?" Dana shrugged.

"I don't know, man. He said that you've been like this since this morning. See, read this." Dana showed her texts with Teed and the last message he wrote was:

Something probably happened. He's been like this since I picked him up. So, look after him for me, please.

Team almost melted by reading the message.

"So, you okay?" The punk-style haired girl asked, and Team almost laughed at it. Dana was one of the 'I hate people' kind of girl. Her bob black hair was almost always a mess. People were always scared of her because of her appearance- Thick eyeliner, dark bags under her eyes and her infamous nose ring.

"Ya, I'm fine." Dana nodded, not wanting to invade his personal space. "But... Answer this. If person A told you about person B and told you to promise not to tell B but person B is your friend who, I think, trusts you and the guilt is eating you. But person A is also a good person who wants to hide the truth because person B will get hurt if they tell them. And now, you're stuck in the middle. What would you do?"

Dana stared at Team in confusion. "That was oddly specific. Is the 'you' here actually you?"

"Just answer the question, Dana."

"Okay...." She took a breath and continued. "If the thing person A told you involves person B, then I think person B deserves the truth. Even if he is not your friend." Team grimly nodded. "But.... If you promised person A, then it is bad to betray them. Also, person A is just hiding the truth to protect B from harm." Team nodded again. "But... Hiding the truth is going to hurt person B even more. But, then again-"

"Oh my god, Dana. Just stop. You're confusing me even more." Dana shrugged.

Team groaned and pulled on his hair.

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