Chapter 13

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"We're here!"

"Team, you sure you're good, right?" Sammy stared at Team pitifully.

"Why wouldn't I be?" He said as both of them tried to make way towards their friends, pushing through a tsunami of people dancing and grinding.

"Your grip on my skirt is saying otherwise."

Team looked down to his hand clutching Sammy's skirt. He quickly withdrew his hand, embarrassed.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be." She said as she grabbed Team's arm to guide him. Team gratefully smiled at her.

Anyone who looked at them now would think they were something more than friends because of the way they were treating each other, but both of them knew otherwise.

They were just two kids who bonded.

"Hi, guys. What took you so long?" Yacht said as he suspiciously eyed their intertwined hands.

Sammy quickly removed her hand from Team's. "Just talking about things, right?"

"Yup." He smiled and walked towards Teed who standing beside Mark.

"What took you so long? I was worried. I was going to look for you, but P'Yacht said that I shouldn't." He whispered over to me. "Are you alright?"

"Perfectly fine. Don't worry."

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely." He smiled, trying to get used to the loud music bursting through the speakers.

"Are you drinking?" Team exclaimed as his eyes widened as he stared at the red cup in Teed's hand.

"No! This is Coke. I promised you, I won't drink." He reassured Team.

He sighed. "You better not drink." Team glared at his friend. "Pass me some coke too. Only coke."

"Yup! Right away!" Teed said as he walked towards Mark's kitchen. Guess he was comfortable enough.

Team surely wasn't.




"What happened?"

"For the 100th time Sood, NOTHING HAPPENED." Sammy sighed.

"Then... Why was he crying?"
"I don't know."

"What did he say to you? Where were you both?" Again, with the questions. It had been 15 minutes since they had entered and the questions still didn't stop.

"He didn't talk much."

"Then... Why did you take so long?!" He glared at her.

"Why are acting like a possessive boyfriend? Newsflash: You're not!" A flash of regret covered his face as he looked down at the ground.

"I'm just worried.... About both of you." He said, still looking down. Sammy snorted as a frown took place on her face.

"Please do not pity me. You rejected me and I'm over it. No need to feel guilty." She huffed and stormed towards the kitchen.

"Is she alright?" Mark asked as he glanced at an angry Sam walking away from them.

"Yup. Everything's fine." He sighed.




"Since everyone is here, let's play truth or drink!" Mark stated as all of them gathered in a circle. Team was sitting in between Sammy and Teed, Mark was beside Teed, Yacht beside Sammy, and few other familiar and unfamiliar faces sat in a circle.

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