First Impressions Pt 2

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(America POV)

A week had passed since I returned to the Academy and if I were to be honest, things had not settled down as I had hoped. People still wouldn't leave me alone. Other than that, life in school was pretty good and I realized how much I missed this place. But not the homework. I still hate the homework.

It was another, seemingly normal day as I took the long, scenic route to my first class. Up the winding staircases, over the arched bridges with a spectacular view of the Northern Garden, past the school's main library, through the greenhouse where students grew all sorts of plants, and finally entered through the classroom door, 25 minutes late. This was on purpose, of course.

"Fashionably late as ever."

Mr. NATO was holding open the door with a hilarious expression. It seemed that he was attempting to look stern, but was failing miserably. I spun around to meet him face to face and his visage finally shattered. I smiled, satisfied.

"NATO my man! Gosh I missed you," I exclaimed as we pulled one another into a ferocious embrace.

"You went from being my star pupil to the superstar of the world. Things haven't been the same without you," he replied, "You haven't replaced me as best coach now have you?"

This sent me into an uproar of laughter, "REPLACE YOU?! My current coach can't even touch the pedestal where I put you in my heart!"

I made my way down the rows of seats, contemplating on which one to settle into. I finally decided on one near the windows and was immediately cornered by everyone. Some were ecstatic. One was gasping, "He's in my row, HE'S IN MY ROW," while others were desperately trying to bribe people into trading spots just to get closer.

I let out a quiet groan and glanced at Mr. NATO for assistance. He got my sign and quickly ushered everyone back into their places and began the lesson.

We were discussing Historic Awakeners and Achievements and bla bla bla, honestly, I was not listening at all. Instead, I began to scan the room, memorizing everyone's face and name. It was a very peculiar habit of mine that had come in handy multiple times before. It wasn't long before my attention drifted to a student in the very back corner, slouched over the desk with his arms cradling his head. In other words, he was asleep.

Mr. NATO seemed to have noticed him too, because he marched down the row, rolled his lesson booklet into a log, and whapped the student on the head with it.

Surprisingly, the student didn't respond. I had to pinch my nose and bite my lip to keep from laughing. Mr. NATO had a, "huh, interesting," sort of expression. He bent down and...

"RUSSIAN FEDERATION!!!" he hollered. The boy flinched and sat up groggily. A few quiet snickers floated around the classroom, mine included.

"I'm sorry, do my lessons bore you?" growled a very sarcastic NATO.

The unfazed boy was unresponsive for a moment, seemingly needing to process what was happening. Then he frowned and replied, "Well duh, why do you think I fell asleep?"

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