In the One We Trust

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The curtains were drawn and a glass board was placed in front of us, flickering to life as America and Russia stood over it. Most of the students had returned to their housing units as we assembled in the office to create the official roster. The appointed beginning of the Tournament was just a meager 10 days away so we had no more time to dally.

Our layout was going to consist of America and Russia, another pair, one support and one substitute.

I presented the slots as 3D projections appeared over the board, marking the candidates. There were also six tiles on the board that lit up, each one presenting a position in the Tournament.

"Look Russia! It's us!" America exclaimed as he observed their holographic figure in two of the tiles. A lock appeared over the tiles, confirming their placement. Russia took his time scanning over the rest of the participants but nothing in his expression gave away what he had in mind.

"I've uploaded most of my notes into here," I explained as I slid a different projected figure forward as if it was solid. Once it was pushed into one of the empty tiles, a new screen hovered over its head to present the information gathered.

"How about we start with the single supporting role? There are only a small handful of students who can fit the criteria," Five suggested as he lay on the couch. Duct tape covered most of his nose like a makeshift bind until the glue firmed but he still didn't dare move his head.

We agreed and the board flashed to present a different set of student figures. Upon my command, their information window opened and we began to sift through them all.

"She has a pretty cool ability but..."

"He's fine but..."

"No. They are too..."

"They won't work well because..."

This went on for a little while until one last figure stood on the board. America smiled widely when he realized who it was and I agreed with the choice.

The hologram flickered to an autumn amber color as I declared:

"All in favor of Canada, raise your hand."


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