Prologue: Lifeless Land of Winter

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A barren wasteland, home to nothing more than snow and ice stretched far beyond a horizon that never met the sun, leaving the sky forever dusty grey.

Blizzards swept through the icy land, creating conditions that made life impossible. The temperatures never wavered from the -50s Celsius, not even in the middle of summer. Then again, summer never reached this part of the land. One might call the place where Winter is immortal. 

Almost no one ever came to this place. No one ever dared because getting lost would cost you your life.

And that was precisely the situation a young boy, the age of ten, found himself in. The boy was stuck in the middle of a storm in the dead of night. His clothes and hat did nothing against the wretched winds scratching his skin. He cried out but he knows there will be no one to answer. Even if there was, there was no way anyone could hear him over wind. 

He held back tears, knowing they would freeze his face as he curled up into a ball to keep himself from losing too much heat.

Eventually his consciousness began to slip and he began to fall asleep. He accepted the fact that he may not wake up in the morning, or forever.

Just as he is about to fully go out, the blizzard suddenly stopped as if someone flipped a switch. A tall figure loomed over the boy. 

The boy is unable to move, unable to speak. He is terrified. The night was cold, but this presence... was colder. He looked up, trying to see the man's face but a sharp pain stabbed his brain. He knew the man, he just couldn't remember. The boy cried in frustration. The man spoke but his voice was muffled like he was under water.

"I-I can't understand, I can't hear you!"

The man sighs in frustration. The blizzard begins to pick up again, wrapping around the man's body. Then he disappeared. Leaving three words etched in the ground.

"I'll be waiting."

Author's Notes:

 SHORT! I promise that the next chapter will be longer. I'll try to update regularly but school and other stuff will try to kill me. Maybe once a week? I'll do my best.


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Song - A Fathers LessonComposed & Produced by Peter GundryAll rights Reserved (c)

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