Fight or Flight

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(Nobody POV)

A week had passed since they arrived and the improvement was already showing. Russia was achieving new levels of control over his fundamentals and just getting used to it overall. Ame was focusing on creating new attacks and adding them to his massive arsenal while polishing the ones he already had.

However, he was still struggling greatly on his endurance and it was really starting to bother him.

"C'mon Ame! Hold it for just a few more seconds!" Five urged an incandescent Ame as he glanced at the stopwatch.

On the opposite end of the arena, Russia sat upon giant pillars and arches of ice. He also was focused on creating an endless flurry of snow for another Five who was building an impressive snow sculpture.

"Remember, freeze them into hexagonal patterns and spread them out to make a thin sheet. Careful! I said snow, not hail."

It was not an easy task for the country, freezing invisible droplets in the air into something so delicate, but he was managing.

"Maybe I can learn to use ice and snow as a base too. It would be useful on missions in the Arctic..." Five mused to himself as he admired his work of art.

A giant poof of steam that erupted from the distance was a clear sign that America was now completely drained and Five nodded to Russia to deactivate.

"Well, it's clear that you win in the endurance aspect." he noted as they strolled over to the other country.

Ame was lying face down on the ground in a puddle of water. Streams of steam rose steadily from his unmoving body and Five was standing over him with a bucket in his hand, obviously a bit distressed too.

"No matter what, he just can't seem to pull off the Partial Activation." Five grunted as he tore at his hair.

Five shrugged as he sighed, "Oh take a chill pill. It only works theoretically since no one has done it before. Maybe it's not possible in real life."

"Well I have faith that he'll be able to work his magic and make it happen," Five shot back.

"Oh yeah? Wanna bet?"

"Yeah! Bet!"

Russia and America sat nearby as they watched Five argue with himself.

"I love it when he does this. Especially since every clone has a slightly different personality." America chuckled as he crawled out of the puddle.

"It's... not something I see everyday," Russia admitted.

They were dismissed when the two clones finally finished placing their bets.

"Russia wins so he gets the bed this time." one of the Fives reminded them and America grumbled in protest.

The walk back was just as uncomfortable as the lingering tension remained between them. America kept his eyes on the ground to avoid Russia's ice cold ones. Deep down, he hated the silence that surrounded them but he couldn't trust himself to speak.

Five gazed after their receding forms and frowned to himself with worry. Their relationship wasn't improving as they had hoped. In fact, the crack between them was growing ever wider and it would only be a matter of time before things would once again spiral downhill. This was not unexpected but it was unfortunate.

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