Tears For Better Tomorrows

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"I must say, this is quite awkward for the both of us."

The hazy smell of incense and smoke slowly cleared out of my lungs as pins and needles stabbed at my body. I groaned as all the blood rushed from my head, prompting me to wonder how long I had been out for. According to my aching muscles, it was far too long.

I was back in the eternally frozen hellscape that was perpetually pummeled by snowstorms but this time, the air was still and soft against my skin. Even the sky looked a little bluer than usual as soft sunrays broke through the never moving clouds. It was... peaceful?

My vision eventually focused on the figure in front of me who was wearing a grim smirk under his dark veil. The rest of his body was surrounded by a layer of blurriness, smudging out his old uniform.

My eyes narrowed as I took a few wary steps back, remembering our previous encounter, "What are you doing here? Why are you in my dream? Weren't you eaten by that snake god thing?-"

"Hey now, let's not talk about that," he shushed, clearly still flustered about that. "I will admit, that didn't go how I wanted it to but it is what it is."

"It's also precisely why I'm here seeing you right now," he tilted his head, fixing his gaze on me, "This time, I depart for good so hear me out, will you?"

I was tempted to say no, to turn right back around and ignore everything he said and did. It was my dream after all. How dare he leave me to die and then intrude like this?

Then again, he was the only way I could get any answers about America right now. I knew I would regret it if I didn't listen so I lent him my ears. He smiled, a genuine, relieved smile.

"Thank you, Russia. I'll make it worth your while," he assured me but I couldn't help but bite back.

"Worth my while? Just like how you made it 'worth my while' back on the scale?"

He grimaced a little, "Back on the scale, I know I didn't answer your last question truthfully," he admitted with a shrug, " –but it's simply because I still don't fully understand what his power is. Honestly, I don't think he does either."

"But I can tell you have an idea of what it might be," I replied.

His expression softened a little and he nodded sheepishly.

He stepped back and his black veil loosened over his face as he lifted his face toward the sky, basking in the soft winter sun. His body was more of a hazy silhouette at this point but I sat down next to him and he began to recall.

I listened to his tale, his story and I felt my gaze slowly turning away. As much as I hated to admit it, I pitied him. Just a bit. Fate was cruel and he had learned to accept it. At least in these final moments of existence, he would be able to find some solace.

When I looked up again, he was gone without a trace. Devoured by chaos, erased from the world as if he had never existed in the first place and now, only two would keep his memory alive. The familiar sweet scent that once made me sick was now mellow and pleasant. A warm golden glow hovered over me.

The sun, his final gift. I watched the gold wash over diamond snow as I felt myself stir.

The next thing I knew, I found myself waking up in America's arms.



The signal fired into the skies above, announcing the arrival of the new hour and its corresponding wave of new enemies. Mechanical clicks and whirs made their way through the blotted forest with the occasional clamor that arose as contestants fought the creatures off.

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