The Returning Star (Russia POV)

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It was the same dream every night. A frozen, lifeless plain stretching as far as one can see. Here I stood, with the wind piercing through my clothes, skin and bone. Yet somehow, it didn't bother me like it used to.

The sky was sunken and gray, not a bird, or cloud in sight. There was no sun or moon. Just... emptiness.

I wondered to myself, "How did I get here?"

But when I looked behind me, no footprints were to be found on the flashing white snow that dusted the ground. The land behind was just as desolate of clues. A small part of me was frustrated at the lack of memory, but I knew I had to live with it. So I took a step forward, and continued my journey. As I walked, I would occasionally glance back to make sure my footprints were etched into the snow. I continued to wander, but the farther I went, the more I began to question where I was going. What was I looking for?

These questions dragged me to a stop. I looked around and realized that I was in a place that looked exactly the same as where I had started. Everywhere was the same. Cold. Empty. Tiresome.

Everything is the same.

"Is it though?" questioned a gentle voice.

I was startled by the new presence, but not afraid of it.

"Yes, it is. No matter where I go, it will always be this way." I answered.

"Are you sure? Look closely, child," the voice pressed on.

I tilted my head towards the sound.

It was coming from a bear. A large... red bear. Somehow, I was not very surprised.

"What do you mean Mr. Bear? I do not know what to look for. Please, guide me." I requested.

The bear gestured for me to look back and I did.

"Tell me, child. What do you see? What is present here that was not before?" the bear asked.

The land was bleak and colorless. The snow was still flashing white, but...

"My footprints," I murmured. The bear nodded and began to walk away.

I followed.

"You know how you got here. Your footprints show you your path. And I have faith that one day, you will remember how you got there. But for now, keep moving ahead, and you may find a place where everything is not the same as everywhere else."

We walked for a while in silence until I asked a question,

"How come you know so much, Mr. Bear?"

He hesitated before responding, "It's because I was once in the same dilemma as you, dear child. I also couldn't remember who I was, or what I was supposed to do. Instead of searching for my identity, I gave up and accepted not knowing."

"Can't I do that?" I inquired.

"No, child. I am telling you this because I do not wish for you to make the same mistakes as I did. When I let go of my true self, it wasn't bad at first, but in the end, I hurt so many people," he growled.

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