(America POV)After quickly swinging into the office to bag a couple books, I immediately turned on my heel and walked right out the door. Germany jogged up to my side as I strode down the empty corridor.
"Wait- didn't you say that you are coming back to class just then?" he inquired and I waved him off with a smug grin.
"Oh c'mon. One day of rest won't hurt so I'll start up again tomorrow," I shrugged, "Besides, there's somewhere I need to go."
With a bounce in my step, I suddenly took off in a sprint and left Germany in my dust while giggling like a madman. I dashed up the staircase and zipped through more halls until I made it to the front of an emerald domed building that could easily hold a soccer field. A silver plated sign proudly read, 'World Academy Greenhouse' but I personally like to call it Smaragdus, the Plant-a-Plenty. (picked it up in language arts class)
After removing my jacket, I pushed open the jade green, glass door and stepped into the hot and humid environment. Rays of sunlight gushed through the transparent walls and I smiled as I took a moment to bask in its glorious light.
"How may I help you?" a voice came from behind a counter overflowing with flora. A short girl with leafy green hair, tanned skin and a shiny smile greeted me. She wore a cap and large, brown overalls with a nametag pinned to it. In her hands, she held a potted plant that was at least double her size but she carried it like it was no big deal.
I put down my jacket and told her what I was looking for. She nodded and hopped to the job, pulling me down the rows of different bushes and whatnot. Finally, we stopped at a rack that was covered in multicolored blossoms and I thanked her before she dashed back to the counter.
"Didn't think I'd see you here," someone else chuckled and I turned to see Brazil leaning against a broom. He eyed the flower rack and grinned even wider.
"So who are the flowers for?" he whispered as he waggled his eyebrows teasingly. I nudged him in the arm and rolled my eyes.
"It's not like that," I retorted, "It's more of a formality for a friend."
"Uh huh. And that's why you're blushing."
My eyes widened with confusion and I quickly turned away which made Brazil laugh even louder.
"What?! I'm not- it's just really hot in here!"
Brazil crossed his arms and gave me the, 'uh huh' look but he didn't press me any further. I cleared my throat and desperately looked for a change of subject to buy me some time.
"So what about you? I never took you as a plant person."
He sighed and put the broom down as his gaze wandered to the counter, "Well I'm just here to help a friend. The first time we visited the Academy, she made up her mind that she wanted to work at the greenhouse. It's also the reason I decided to transfer from the South American Branch to the Main Branch; to support her."
I glanced at the beaming girl as she skipped from plant to plant, tending to each one with utmost care. A small smile also began to appear on my face.
"Amazon is her name, was it?" I gestured to her, "She really knows her way around plants huh
"Yeah. She's a hard worker alright."

Where Winter Meets Summer (Rusame Countryhumans)
Hayran KurguTHE DISCOVERY A fundamentally lonesome person, Russia believed he could survive the Academy all on his own but his assumptions were quickly torn down as the Awakening sessions began. With the discoveries of latent gifts and the arrival of a certain...