Another Step Forward

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The frosty January air stung my cheeks as I stepped out of my car. The grand courtyard of the Academy was silent as I strolled down the path and into the thickets of the forest. That was to be expected, of course. It was five in the morning on a school day so everyone should still be sound asleep.

I let out a wide yawn as I reached the clearing that held the Coloso, ready to begin another grueling training session alone.

"Now that Russia is out of commission, I need to step up my game while I have the chance." I thought to myself but just as I entered, another voice called out to me.

"America? What the heck are you doing here this early?"

I swiveled around to see a familiar country standing on the top of the stairs of the Coloso. Brazil gazed down at me in puzzlement and I stared back with the same expression. He was wearing a light tracksuit and shorts but that was it. For me, that wouldn't be a problem- heck! I could stand a blizzard buck naked with my Awakening blazing, but Brazil was taking on the cold like a champ.

"I could ask you the same thing," I replied as he descended down to my level, "Aren't you freezing your ass off? Why are you wearing so little?"

"Nah. I've been working up a sweat so I don't feel very cold," he replied with a shrug, "But I brought along a coat so no worries."

Brazil offered to help me practice and I gladly accepted.

"In all honesty, I also want to work on my Awakening," he admitted as we zigzagged through the stadium seats. After a bit of stretching and a bit of hand to hand sparring, he rolled up his sleeves and activated his Awakening.

It started with a few droplets but slowly it grew into a wavering orb of water that hovered above his fingertips. It grew and grew until it was around the size of a yoga ball. At that point, it began to quiver and wobble before bursting. I had leapt back just in time but Brazil was not as lucky. He was basically dunked on and now stood in a giant puddle, sopping wet.

"You see," he explained as I tossed him his towel that he had brought along, "That's one of my many flaws right now."

I tapped my lip thoughtfully as I made a plan to help, "So you're Awakening can somehow draw out water droplets from your surroundings? I'm gonna assume you can also manipulate it somehow."

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