The Underground Blues Pt. 2

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(Before the second event began... 17:46)

A loud knock rattled upon their common room door and Germany's voice called out from the other side. "We'll be waiting at the entrance, so hurry up you two!"

Nearly inaudible groans responded in unison as one lazily fished around for his sunglasses while the other barely managed to stumble to his feet, wincing at the pins and needles racing up his sore limbs.

"We should get going or we'll be late," Russia mumbled drowsily, picking up his ushanka from the ground. It had fallen off the couch during the nap at some point, revealing his tousled ivory locks.

It was nearly 6 and the sun had already begun to drown in the deep blue bay beneath them. Soft golden highlights spilled through the windows and onto America's face, blinding him when Russia shifted out of the way.

"Uuuugh 5 more minutes," he mumbled as he grasped the empty space where Russia used to be. Though it started with Russia clinging onto Ame like a teddy bear, their roles were reversed sometime during the nap. With no one to hold, Ame settled with simply curling up into a ball and continued on snoring.

Russia stepped out onto the sunlit balcony that overlooked the entire floating island as a light breeze sent a shiver down his oddly sore neck. Perhaps sleeping with someone propped under your head was not the best position to be in. He'd better start hoping this wouldn't affect his performance later.

Though it was still technically February, he noted that the evening chill didn't seem to reach him under the watchful eye of the light. It felt really soothing and provoked a satisfying stretch, paired with an almighty yawn. Sunset rays warmly illuminated his face in liquid gold, just like how Ame's Awakening looked when he blazed to life.

Russia extended his palm toward the setting sun in the distance, as if it sat in the palm of his hand. The hot red star's glare flickered, like how Sunfire danced jovially every time it bloomed into existence. He smiled softly to himself, knowing that it was no longer such a big mystery to him.

Now, what about Core Polaris?

His fingers curled into claws, casting cold blue shadows over his hand as his brow knit into a downward frown. Unlike Sunfire, he didn't have anyone to ask but himself. His unconscious visions were far too unpredictable and doubtful. His fragmented memories were even more so. 

Come to think of it, that Soviet man hadn't shown up in his unconscious ever since he started hanging around the American more. Was it another side effect? Was he simply not looking hard enough? His answers, his past and present, once again, vanished from his grasp.

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