I was brought into the world with a blessing as a curse. From the moment I opened my eyes, I was given basically everything I needed. We had some wealth since my family stood above our small, quiet empire. As the youngest one, I was seen as the weakest. I was given everything because I was incompetent.You see? I didn't know if I was happy about that or not.
I had an older brother who was left to his own methods. He was someone who didn't understand weakness like I did. We never paid attention to him because he didn't need it. He didn't understand that either so when we were presented our celestial guardians, he was angered but I was too naive to realize his hidden jealousy.
He was presented with the hidden warrior of the Black Tiger, destined to walk unseen. He accepted it graciously but resentment stewed slowly in his blood when I was presented with the sacred White Tiger, destined to rise with great power.
Then our kingdom began to fall apart as the bordering nations scrambled for dominance. It was around this time that our nobility began to fade.
It was also around that time that I finally realized why I was given such a powerful spirit. It was not because I was destined or anything like that."WEAKLING CHILD," it had said to me, "YOU CAN'T EVEN HOLD YOURSELF STEADY WITHOUT ME BY YOUR SIDE."
Reality only kicked in when my brother left my side for someone who had given him their attention. He no longer needed to be ignored for my sake.
Shortly after, even my guardian had grown tired of me.
"I will only return when you show me your resolve," it had said before leaping back into the heavens.Now when I look back at it all, I don't blame them for leaving. But if they still see me as that lonely child, I will make them open their eyes because he no longer remains.
China extended his hands, holding the scrolls that held their respective beasts. At the sight of the scroll, Vietnam tensed up, feeling the urge to simply jump up and snatch them but that would just be stupid. South Korea stood by their side, with his eyes fixated on their opponent. He swore to himself that he would not lose.
"Our agreement states that if you win, I will give to you, Vietnam, the guardian deity, Black Tortoise of the North, or as you call it, Cụ Rùa. And to you, South Korea, the guardian deity, White Tiger of the West," China recalled, "As for your opponent, North Korea, are you ready?"
He responded by spreading open his arms with his palms facing up. A murderous gleam appeared in his blood red eyes. With a nod of approval, the signal was given to officially begin. Both sides didn't hesitate to charge into battle with every intention to attack. Vietnam took the lead and like lightning, unsheathed a brilliant jadeite blade. With SK backing them up, Vietnam charged headfirst for North Korea whose glowing red stripes snaking up his arms signalled the build up of his Awakening. With a resounding burst of speed the two swung, Vietnam with their blade and North Korea with his hands extended, both ready to deal a lethal blow. South Korea saw an opening and with a slight pull, directed the blade. It was as if time had slowed down as NK's eyes widened. The swing's trajectory was changed but his instincts kicked in, allowing him to redirect the energy from his arms to his legs in an evasion maneuvre instead. As nimble as a cat, he leapt into the air with a giant push that propelled Vietnam backwards, forcing him to stumble. NK landed behind the off-balance country with a clear advantage but before he could reach him, a sudden, invisible force ripped Vietnam out of the way and towards SK.
North Korea, now thoroughly pissed that his brother had interfered with a perfect killshot. It was also clear that he would surely lose if they worked together like that. Too bad South Korea had the ability to redirect the momentum of things to oppose him. After a few more attempts with the same result, he decided it was time to try that plan. At his command, the air behind him began to pulsate as energy was introduced along with pressure when finally it was let loose like an explosion. With that, he was propelled forward, directly towards the pair at almost unimaginable speeds. Vietnam, however, stayed as calm as ever as they placed their hand on the brim, deciding it was finally time to use their Awakening. A faint rumbling began to shake the ground but NK quickly leapt off the ground, using another forceful push to fly over them and the raised walls that encircled the arena. He landed on the ledge, right in front of China, who still had the scroll extended in his hands, and lunged towards him instead.

Where Winter Meets Summer (Rusame Countryhumans)
Fiksi PenggemarTHE DISCOVERY A fundamentally lonesome person, Russia believed he could survive the Academy all on his own but his assumptions were quickly torn down as the Awakening sessions began. With the discoveries of latent gifts and the arrival of a certain...