Uncertain Fates

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(Nobody POV)

It was almost 2 in the afternoon when the rain clouds finally cleared up. The cafeteria would usually be empty at this time but on this day, a small group of countries remained at a table. Most of them had finished trays and were chatting with one another but one was still trying to satisfy his appetite.

America had demolished three trays of desserts before he remembered to breathe.

"What?" he said in between mouthfuls of cake, "I need to refuel if I'm gonna fight later."

"Then would you mind eating a bit more... er- mannerly?" Canada suggested as he handed his brother a napkin, "Slow down before you choke yourself."

The next rounds had been postponed until the end of the day. America had destroyed the stone floor in the first match so that needed to be fixed.

"Don't be so reckless next time," AU had scolded him, "Or else we'll never get this finished."

Netherlands was loaded with drinks from water to non-alcoholic pina coladas. Brazil helped refill for him. Japan was explaining potential couples to anyone who was willing to listen (aka South Korea). Russia, who was seated beside Ame, had scooted all the way to the other side to make room for the trays of desserts. It was a rather odd choice of lunch but he couldn't bring himself to care at the moment. Germany and Canada, on the other hand, were all over his meal plan.

"What's with all the sweets and sugar? You know they serve other things too. Right?" Germany raised an eyebrow as he pointed to a section filled with fast food goodies. America just scrunched up his face and continued on with his eating. This reaction just made Germany more confused and it made Canada crack up.

"I honestly never thought I'd see the day where Ame would turn down a burger," he laughed.

"After that match, I don't think I would be able to stomach it. Do you know how much salt I accidentally swallowed? No offense, Neth."

"None taken," Netherlands replied as he finished his drink.

Finally, after they had helped tidy up, the group dispersed to their separate classes for the afternoon. Or, in America and Russia's case, they wandered up to the rooftop with a borrowed chessboard in hand.

They placed the pawns, the rooks, the knights, the bishops, the Kings and the Queens onto the board in silence. As the match progressed, the Superstar found his gaze lingering on the other, quickly darting down to the board before floating right back to where it started. The Russian seemed to have noticed because he looked up suddenly and they made eye contact.

"What's your problem?" Russia grumbled as Ame suddenly found himself glowing red.

"N-nothing," he stammered before shoving a rook forward without thinking. Unfortunately, Russia's pawn was standing right there so he removed the piece from the board.

"SHIT-" America whined, mentally slapping himself for not paying attention. After that, the game only got worse for America, who was making the dumbest mistakes ever.

"I know you said you wanted a rematch, but this is just sad," Russia shook his head as he toppled the king, "Try again when your head isn't full of air."

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